Officials at UT Austin Respond to Doxxing Threat Against Incoming Freshmen

When this story broke a couple of weeks ago, I wondered if the school would do anything. It appears they are taking some action.

The College Fix reports:

UT Austin officials respond to doxxing threat against conservative studentsIn the wake of a recent article by The College Fix that reported on an online doxxing threat against incoming conservative students at UT Austin by an anarchist group called the Autonomous Student Network, campus officials have stepped up efforts to respond to the threat.“The university has reached out to the Texas Attorney General’s Office for guidance on the scope of legal remedies that may be available to protect our students, faculty, and staff from these outside threats,” campus spokesperson Shilpa Bakre told The College Fix.Campus officials have also “filed a report with Twitter about the recent Tweet that threatened to doxx our students. That tweet appears to violate Twitter’s terms of service, which include prohibitions on doxxing and threats of doxxing,” Bakre said.As of now, the original tweet threatening conservative students at UT Austin remains up and the Autonomous Student Network’s Twitter account is functional.The tweet threatens to dox freshmen who consider joining the Young Conservatives of Texas and Turning Point USA during orientation, and uses the hashtag #UTOrientation to spread the message.“No members of our community should be targeted for their affiliations or political beliefs. We hope that Twitter will take action against what appears to be a violation of their terms of service,” Bakre added.Lillian Bonin, chair of the Young Conservatives of Texas chapter at UT Austin, was asked by The Fix if UT Austin administration reached out to conservative students following the tweet.

Tags: College Insurrection, Texas