“Manholes” are now “Maintenance Holes” in Berkeley, CA

The city council of Berkeley, CA, just took another step in the progressive competition for wokeness. They have changed municipal codes to be gender neutral, in an effort to be more inclusive.

Filipa Ioannou writes at the San Francisco Gate:

Manholes in Berkeley will now be called ‘maintenance holes’At a Tuesday night city council meeting, Berkeley became the first city in America to ban the use of natural gas piping in new construction. But that was not the only utility-related issue they saw fit to attend to. No, there was another matter on deck: Eliminating the gendered connotations of words like “manhole” in the city municipal code.No longer will the streets of fair Berkeley be dotted with manholes, nary a womanhole or nonbinaryhole in sight. With Tuesday night’s vote, they have all been transmuted into “maintenance holes,” that highest, hardest glass manhole-cover finally shattered.The item, originally on the council agenda for March 12, was sponsored by councilmembers Rigel Robinson, Cheryl Davila, Ben Bartlett and Lori Droste, reports Berkeleyside. The ordinance eliminates all gendered pronouns from the city code, replacing “she” and “he” with “they.””Manpower” will be referred to as “human effort,” and “man-made” objects will be described with terms like “human-made,” “artificial,” “manufactured,” “machine made” or “synthetic.”

Christina Coleman of FOX News has more:

Councilman Rigel Robinson, a 23-year-old recent graduate of the University of California at Berkeley, sponsored the ordinance. He tweeted, in part: “There is power in language. It’s a small move, but it matters.”Berkeley City Manager Dee Williams-Ridley wrote in a memorandum to council, “In recent years, broadening societal awareness of transgender and gender-nonconforming identities has brought to light the importance of non-binary gender inclusivity.”Terms like fraternity or sorority will be changed to “collegiate Greek system residence.” Other terms that will be changed include pregnant woman or women. It will be switched to pregnant employees. Brothers and sisters will be switched to sibling.

As we have warned before, the culture of the liberal college campus is creeping into real life. Here’s a short video from KPIX News:

On a related note, one of the Democrats running in 2020 is fully on board when it comes to embracing pronoun culture. She’s just so with it:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: California, Political Correctness, Progressives