Indiana Police Department Takes Cat Supplies to Pay Off Parking Tickets

How about a feel good story? The Muncie Police Department teamed up with the Muncie Animal Care and Services with a unique way to have people pay off parking tickets.

Instead of cash, the police department accepted cat supplies to help the shelter since it has hundreds of cats and kittens.

The move worked as donations have filled the shelter, including food and litter:

Residents delivered hundreds of cans of cat food, bags of dry food and litter, treats and other supplies to Muncie Animal Care & Services, which is overrun with cats and kittens in need.This offer ran until 4 p.m. July 19, and by that morning, police shared pictures of a storage room overflowing with donated supplies. Some of the donations even came from people who didn’t even have parking tickets.

People without parking tickets even chipped in. In fact, the majority of the donations came from those who did not have tickets.

The shelter only has a $10 adoption fee so go pick up a new friend!

I found in a Google search that the Muncie Police Department does a lot to help the community. This past weekend the department held a water balloon fight with kids in an attempt to strengthen community ties. They wanted to let the kids know that they are not bad guys:

It was a chance for the officers to take a break from fighting crime. It was also a chance to build relationships by serving as a positive influence and a way to keep kids off the streets.“The little kids you’re not so worried about. But the 10, 11, 12, 13-year-olds, what else might they be doing, you don’t know,” said Winkle.One father says this is the second time his children have participated in the officers vs. kids water balloon fight, but it brings a positive light to the small city of Muncie and to his children.“I think every police department in the world should do something like this. Because it helps in the de-escalation of situations for them as well. It helps them be seen as who they are,” said Muncie resident Josh Zacharias.

The Fox 59 article said the police department also holds an annual snowball fight.

Keep up the good work, Muncie Police Department!

Tags: Culture, Indiana