Georgetown Professor Michael Eric Dyson Likens Betsy Ross Flag to Swastika

Nike launched a new line of sneakers just in time for Independence Day which feature a Betsy Ross flag on the heels. The line was pulled after complaints from noted social justice warrior Colin Kaepernick. Now, Michael Eric Dyson is piling on as well.

During a segment on MSNBC, Dyson compared the Betsy Ross flag to a swastika, and other racist symbols.

David Rutz reports at the Washington Free Beacon:

MSNBC Guest Compares Betsy Ross Flag to Swastika, Burning CrossMSNBC guest Michael Eric Dyson compared the Betsy Ross American flag to the Nazi swastika and a burning Ku Klux Klan cross during an appearance Wednesday…Dyson, a Georgetown University professor who frequently comments on racial issues from a left-wing perspective, defended the cancellation, citing its connection to the revolutionary period and that it was “deeply embroiled in enslavement.”MSNBC anchor Hallie Jackson asked Dyson to address the argument that Nike’s decision to pull the shoes was “PC culture run amok.””Words matter. Symbols matter, too,” Dyson said. “Why don’t we wear a swastika for July 4th? Because, I don’t know, it makes a difference. The cross burning on somebody’s lawn. Why don’t we just have a Nike celebration of the cross—those symbols are symbols of hate. So we can take PC culture back.”

Here’s the video:

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Donald Trump Jr. for the win:

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: College Insurrection, History, MSNBC, Progressives