If you happened to miss the first round of Democrat debates (and who could blame you?), you may not have heard what 2020 Democrat contender Marianne Williamson had to say.
She wants to defeat Trump, she intoned, with love. She also said that her first move if elected will be to call the Prime Minister of New Zealand to tell her America is going to be the best place to raise children. I kid you not.
Watch this clip of everything Williamson said during the first Democrat debate. You’ll laugh. You’ll cry. Okay, mostly, you’ll just laugh.
Williamson, an author of some sort and some kind of health guru to the stars, is running as the “conscious” candidate and wants to infuse consciousness into American politics and to catalyze a “moral and spiritual awakening” in America. Or something.
As you can imagine, her kooky new agey ramblings were a huge hit . . . just not with Democrat primary voters or leftstream media who called her performance “bonkers,” “unique,” and “just…wow” (not in a good way).
Instead of lighting up the lefties, Williamson is getting some play on the right as Republicans are donating to her campaign to ensure she wafts her bonkers patchouli-laden hippie nonsense all over the next Democrat presidential debate stage.
Author Marianne Williamson’s quirky, love-conquers-all approach on the Democratic debate stage Thursday drew applause, ridicule and confusion.
On Friday, she was attracting donations. From Republicans.
GOP strategist Jeff Roe, who ran Texas Sen. Ted Cruz’ 2016 presidential campaign, tweeted out to his 16,000 followers asking fellow Republicans “to donate $1 to keep this vibrant democrat on the debate stage. One debate performance is not enough.”
At least several people appear to have taken up the challenge based on responses to Roe, accompanied by copies of receipts of their campaign donations.
Because qualifying for future debates requires a certain level of fundraising and support, Republicans say they want to keep her offbeat presence on stage.
Here are some golden oldie tweets from Williamson. Just for fun.
I have no words.