Branco Cartoon – The Marx Sisters
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Branco Cartoon – The Marx Sisters

Branco Cartoon – The Marx Sisters

Duck Soup

For more A.F.Branco cartoons at Legal Insurrection click here.

A.F. Branco Book “Make America Laugh Again” order here



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No need for name tags!!! Love this..TY Mr. B

legacyrepublican | July 18, 2019 at 7:48 am

An alternative title could be, “Biting the hand that freed them.”

Brilliant as usual Mr. B.

Marx Sisters



Share their words. Nothing smacks these, err, ladies, in the face harder than their own words. It’s critical that what these people say is exposed to ALL Americans. We can never say enough against them that their own words don’t already expose.

Must taste like chicken.

Perfectly illustrates these anti-American ingrates.

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | July 18, 2019 at 5:32 pm

Great Cartoon.

Think Branco will enjoy this.

Representatives Omar, Talib, and Cortez, we stand WITH Israel …..

Excellent comment.

These bastards – picking up bigotry, treason and hatred where obama left off.