Baylor University Allows LGBT Student Group to Break Rules Enforced for Conservatives
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Baylor University Allows LGBT Student Group to Break Rules Enforced for Conservatives

Baylor University Allows LGBT Student Group to Break Rules Enforced for Conservatives

“regularly acts in defiance of Baylor’s rules for student organizations seeking charter”

The people who scream the loudest about equality are allowed to operate by their own special set of rules. What a surprise.

The College Fix reports:

LGBT activists permitted to break rules at Baylor University, conservative students are not

In the wake of Matt Walsh’s pro-traditional morality speech on campus last April, Baylor University has been pressured to charter an LGBT student organization, Gamma Alpha Upsilon, or GAY.

The calls have come primarily from major media outlets, among them the Houston Chronicle, Dallas Morning News, Texas Tribune and Newsweek.

As one would expect, the media has spun this story to fit a predetermined narrative. I was interviewed for three of these pieces (Houston Chronicle, Texas Tribune and Newsweek), and can say without a doubt that the way this story is being portrayed is ideologically driven.

A common theme throughout the articles is the claim that GAY wants official status on campus merely to meet and express themselves peacefully, and that Baylor is unjustly discriminating against them.

This is untrue, and I believe the authors of these pieces are fully aware of it.

GAY regularly acts in defiance of Baylor’s rules for student organizations seeking charter. As someone who has been through this process successfully, I can confirm that these rules are usually strictly applied. But Baylor Student Activities seems far laxer toward GAY than other organizations on campus.

For example, student organizations are not allowed to have social media accounts when going through the charter process. During Young Americans for Freedom’s first application in the fall of 2017, we were forced to deactivate our Twitter account and were not allowed to reactivate it until we received our charter several months later.

Despite this rule, GAY maintains active Twitter and Instagram accounts today, which they regularly use to incite their members and followers against groups with whom they disagree.


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Old Navy Doc | July 17, 2019 at 9:43 am

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