Top Fundraiser Drops Biden After Debate Citing Segregation Remarks and Hyde Flip-Flop
“I don’t think he did well last night”

People on both sides of the aisle seem to agree that Joe Biden did not have a great night at the second Democrat debate on Thursday. Standing on stage with many younger candidates made him seem old and he didn’t score a positive memorable moment.
As a result, the following day he lost one of his top fundraisers.
Brian Schwartz reported at CNBC:
Joe Biden loses support of top campaign fundraiser in Bay Area after comments on segregationists and Hyde amendment
Former Vice President Joe Biden lost one of his top fundraisers after controversial comments regarding his work with past segregationists and his flip-flop on repealing the Hyde Amendment, CNBC has learned.
Tom McInerney, a veteran San Francisco based lawyer, informed Biden’s team on June 20 that he can no longer help him raise campaign cash to compete in the 2020 presidential election.
“I had actually let the campaign known I’d pulled back my support of Biden for now,” McInerney told CNBC. “I don’t think he did well last night,” he added, reflecting on Biden’s debate performance on Thursday night.
While McInerney is the first financier to publicly withdraw his support after Biden’s controversial round of comments, the loss is significant because it could be a harbinger of further defections.
Staffers and advisers may come and go, but when effective fundraisers leave a campaign, it’s a more serious matter. The only saving grace for Biden is that it’s early in the race and he’s already sitting on a considerable war chest. If other fundraisers follow McInerney, however, that will hurt him.
And it could happen.
Quint Forgey writes at Politico:
Biden fundraiser ditches him and warns others may too
Tom McInerney, a San Francisco-based attorney who was a lead bundler for former President Barack Obama, told CNBC he informed Biden’s team of his decision on June 20.
The news of his break comes one day after Biden delivered an uneven debate performance that provoked new doubts about his candidacy and turned a spotlight back on his controversial statements and past policy positions on civil rights and abortion…
And in a potentially troubling sign for Biden, McInerny predicted that others were likely souring on the Democratic front-runner. “I would imagine I’m not alone,” he said.
The fact that McInerney is an Obama affiliate just adds insult to injury. It reminds people that Obama has remained silent about Biden’s efforts, not even defending him during the segregationist flap.
Speaking of Obama people, did you catch what former Obama adviser David Axelrod said about Biden after the debate?
Former Obama Adviser Axelrod: Biden seemed “confused,” “defensive,” “mired in the past”
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) June 28, 2019

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This is not good news, we need for Biden to be the nominee.
Why? Let the nation see who really has hijacked the democrat party.
Not really. Any loon will do.
I’m rooting for Williamson. A genuine loon, the real deal. A far better human being than anything the D’rats have fielded in ages, but still a solid loon.
In reality, is Williamson any loonier that Fauxcahontas? or Swalwell? or Spartacus? Well, yeah, maybe a little. But, sufficient enough to matter?
Joe’s going to need to do something to prove he’s “woke”, like maybe groping and sniffing on a trans-girl.
To respond “… you mean like Moochelle…?” would be so juvenile.
Creepiness and plagiarism aside, he is the most “normal” and moderate of the bunch, and I’d take him over the flock of pandering socialist chameleons any day.
I said this months ago. Biden was never going to be allowed to win.
Right before he announced he was running, the sudden interest by the MSM in the groping allegations was a GIANT signal in the sky to Biden that they were going to destroy him if he tried to run.
It’s actually comical watching the media suddenly dig up all the stuff about Biden that people have known for decades.
It’s actually a little sad, though. Biden clearly doesn’t understand what is happening to him. He doesn’t understand what he’s doing wrong, because he’s doing the stuff he’s always done for decades.
But suddenly the media isn’t covering for him anymore, and he simply cannot deal with it.
Exactly. The Woke-arazzi will not permit a white heterosexual male to be the Democrat nominee. Period.
I have always believed that Kamala Harris is the preferred nominee of the Woke-arazzi. She would be a Obama-esque “first” candidate (first black female) which would green light the MSM/DNC axis to play the race and gender cards 24/7 until the 2020 election. That was the playbook for the 2008 election and Obama, and it would be a vastly harder sell with Biden at the top of the Democrat ticket.
Kamala Harris as a “first black” female would again illustrate the ridiculous nature of much of the dem electorate.
She’s half Indian and half Jamaican by ancestry. Not an ancestor around was enslaved in the last 200 years . . .
Yet, her skin color will substitute for actual AMERICAN enslavement. Ridiculous…..
the crap the dems sell.
World ranking of countries by their average IQ
Rank Country IQ
35 Central African Republic 71
35 Jamaica 71
35 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 71
35 Sudan 71
Interesting how Jamaicans make pretty good con artists & politicians, but otherwise are pretty dull witted.
Well, Joe, you continue to twist and misrepresent what others say… you know, Joe… like Charlottesville.
Your getting your own poison thrown back in your filthy lying phony face, you sorry son of a bitch.
Is it just me, or does that photo of Biden bear resemblance to Anderson Cooper? It freaks me out!
“As a result, the following day he lost one of his top fundraisers.”
Check your dates. Get the story right.
Kamala flip flops on health care….media remains mum.
The thing to take note of is not that Biden stuck his foot in his mouth, he has done that his whole career, even when “serving” as Obama’s BFF… it is the propaganda machine piling on him for infractions that would have been ignored in the past.
Biden is not who they want as the nominee. I said a while ago that he had his shot across the bow in the early days of his announced candidacy for president. He ignored it. Then came the rumors of his son’s nefarious deeds, no major reports, just little hints. He ignored those too, and enjoyed sitting atop the field while not having to do a thing.
Bernie has also suffered from the hints of what is coming for him. He has more time as the Pravda media is letting Warren carry the weight of chipping away at his support.
Expect Biden, who came in as top gun, to be an early exit from the contenders. He will be either gently urged to drop out, such as with actions like money support fading, or he will face ever more issues with Pravda making him look bad when they never worked that way before.
Bernie has had support fade from the stories of his wealth status and his wife’s highly questionable actions with the college. It will get worse for Bernie though not as soon as it will for Biden, till they see the futility of staying in the race. Unless Bernie decides to keep to his “independent” form and goes on his own.
Neither have the support they thought they had. Biden hasn’t been endorsed by his BFF for a reason… he doesn’t have his BFF’s support. It won’t be coming unless the party base insist beyond the wishes of the National Socialists party, which, yeah, that won’t happen.
Biden’s done. He just doesn’t know it yet, he is after all slow on the uptake. Biden was done before he ever announced his decision.
OTOH – is Biden trying to pull a Northam and win the race without the blessing of the Woke-arazzi? Doubtless Biden looked at how Governor Northam simply ignored calls to resign, and made it all go away.
Granted the efforts of the MSM/DNC axis to force Northam out of office were half-hearted at best. Furthermore the Democrat nomination for President is arguably a bigger prize than the governorship of Virginia, and no doubt the MSM/DNC axis prefers a “first” candidate (first woman, first black woman, first homosexual, etc) so they can demonize and dehumanize all opposition as KKK-style bigotry. As a white male handsy pervert Biden is (in the eyes of the Woke-arazzi) Hitler reincarnated.
But the MSM/DNC axis understands that Biden is as all-in on communism as Bernie or Warren or Harris, so if Biden decides to tough it out he may get them to back down like they did with Northam. The Woke-arazzi will freak out (white hetero male will always equal Hitler, in their eyes), but if needed the MSM/DNC axis can smother them by turning off the news coverage. To wield power the Woke-arazzi needs slobbering love from the media, so I think they could be brought to heel by the media simply ignoring them instead of the usual fawning worship they depend upon.