Santa Clara U. Denies Recognition to Young Americans for Freedom Citing ‘Emotional Harm’
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Santa Clara U. Denies Recognition to Young Americans for Freedom Citing ‘Emotional Harm’

Santa Clara U. Denies Recognition to Young Americans for Freedom Citing ‘Emotional Harm’

“YAF has historically caused emotional and mental harm to the LGBTQ community”

Instead of offering laughable excuses like emotional harm, schools should be honest. They should come right out and admit that they’re biased against conservative ideas.

Townhall reports:

Santa Clara University Blocks YAF Chapter’s Recognition, Cites ‘Emotional Harm’

Santa Clara University recently piled on to the multitude of discrimination cases against conservatives on college campuses nationwide. The university’s student assembly voted to block the official recognition of the school’s Young Americans for Freedom chapter for the second time, despite the group’s leadership clearly meeting the institution’s requirements. The arguments put forth by student senators were entirely emotional and argued, without any tangible evidence, that YAF has historically caused emotional and mental harm to the LGBTQ community. One student even argued that YAF’s positive view of legal immigration, a foundational aspect of the United States, is hurtful because celebrating legal immigration is not inclusive to illegal immigrants.

The requirements for university recognition of a student organization at SCU are standard and simple: no overlap with other organizations, a minimum 15-student membership threshold and adherence to university and student government policies. The YAF chapter had obeyed these requirements and rules but was still vetoed by the student senate twice; these votes are nothing short of an overreach based on ideological discrimination. Quinn Eibert, the leader of the SCU YAF chapter, said that this vote’s purpose was to squash Conservative views on campus, per a release from YAF:

“I was never a physical or emotional threat to any of these Senators until I deigned to disagree with them—It speaks to their character that they’re willing to act so dishonestly to suppress the views of people who don’t fall in line with their radical intersectional-Marxist agenda,” he said.


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Gremlin1974 | June 4, 2019 at 2:05 pm

So Santa Clara U. only serves the LGBTQRSPV123 whatever, community?

Just one more University wanting to get its butt kicked in court.

One of the bright sides of this is that since it is in Crazyfornia and has to go through the 9th Circus it may actually reach SCOTUS and then we can get a ruling to stomp this out.

Halcyon Daze | June 4, 2019 at 10:33 pm


George_Kaplan | June 5, 2019 at 1:36 am

It’s all very Animal Farm – some animals are more equal than others. Sadly the Left can’t even be honest about their discrimination against conservatives.

I had been faculty adviser to a YAF group in the days of yore when that was required for a student group. And what most struck me was their niceness–their lack of the kind of viciousness typical of left wing groups.

johnnycab23513 | June 5, 2019 at 11:24 am

So the emotional stability of students of good moral character doesn’t matter? Actually, those who practice a moral life tend not to be snowflakes needing constant coddling!

Santa Clara is but another Jesuit fake Catholic university. Tuition for 2019-2020 is $52,998. That’s just tuition and doesn’t include books, room and board, etc. Wake up Catholics and send your kids to State U; it’s just as Catholic and will cost you 1/4 – 1/3 of what a so-called Catholic school costs.