Report: ThinkProgress Faces Financial Turmoil, Payroll Drop, and Losing More Journalists
Staffers encouraged to look for new jobs.

One would think a progressive leftist media organization would thrive under a Republican administration.
The Daily Beast reported Monday morning that ThinkProgress, one of the most well-known leftist outlets, has started to face a major financial crisis as it expects “a roughly $3 million gulf between revenue and expenses for 2019.”
It does not help ThinkProgress that it has never generated revenue, but relied on “fundraising efforts and funds from its mothership entity, the Center for American Progress (CAP).” The Daily Beast continued:
According to the document, advertising revenue is projected to fall $350,000 short of what was budgeted this year, and online contributions are expected to fall short by nearly $180,000. The site is projected to have about $64,000 in grant revenue (money derived from donations to CAP and meant for coverage by ThinkProgress) in 2019. That’s roughly $60,000 short of what it had budgeted for the year and roughly $540,000 less than it received in 2018.
In the face of these falling revenue streams, ThinkProgress has seen payroll drop by 12 percent from its peak level in 2019 and “salary growth” by 5 percent, according to the document. Among those leaving is the site’s managing editor, Tara Culp-Ressler, who announced her departure last week.
One source told The Daily Beast that the blame falls on CAP since the organization has not provided ThinkProgress with any guidance on the future of the website:
“Unfortunately, ThinkProgress has had a large and growing budget gap for going on two years now,” Navin Nayak, executive director of the Center for American Progress Action Fund, told The Daily Beast. “Like most media organizations, ThinkProgress has relied on advertising revenue as a major source of funding, increasingly subject to the behavior of social-media platforms and their decisions on news distribution. As with many other digital media organizations, 2017 and 2018 were particularly challenging years in this regard, as ThinkProgress experienced a 40 percent drop in ad revenue over just one year, creating an inevitable budgetary strain.”
Management for ThinkProgress held a two-hour meeting with Nayak on Wednesday afternoon to discuss financial matters, according to a source at the outlet who requested anonymity. In a Thursday morning email to staff, viewed by The Daily Beast, management stressed that the “financial outlook has not improved in 2019 as CAP hoped it would” and that leadership at CAP plans to provide additional information about a path forward this month. According to the email, Nayak said he did not want to provide a lot of specifics at this current moment, so as not to “speculate.”
Sources at CAP and ThinkProgress told The Daily Beast that Nayak has had to engage in a series of “blunt” conversations with staffers at the website, telling them they should be looking for other jobs. These conversations took place even as the site’s union negotiated a contract at the end of 2018.
Other sources pointed out that ThinkProgress grew too much after the 2016 election because, like I said, progressive outlets should have received a boost with President Donald Trump. ThinkProgress received a lot of money, but from one-time donations. The sources also said that traffic went down once Facebook changed its algorithms.
I don’t think it helps that ThinkProgress has damaged its own reputation. In March, one article slammed Chick-fil-A for supposedly donating to homophobic groups in 2017. Rodney Bullard, the executive director for the Chik-fil-A Foundation explained that the foundation focuses on the community instead of culture and social wars. Besides, he stressed that the donation to the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, the money went directly “to the fellowship’s summer camp, which focuses on helping low-income youth.”
A month later, author Jessica Goldstein released a piece that lashed out at presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) over his personal wealth despite the many times he criticizes the 1%. The fallout created high tension, which led to lower morale:
The senator responded to that piece (and accompanying video) with a highly publicized letter lacerating CAP for accepting corporate donations and suggesting that ThinkProgress was doing the bidding of those donors.
In the subsequent days, some members of the ThinkProgress staff began expressing concern about Editor in Chief Jodi Enda’s handling of the fallout. In early May, sources told The Daily Beast, the ThinkProgress writers’ union held a meeting at which the lead author on the Sanders item, Jessica Goldstein, accused Enda of making edits to the piece without telling her, and others complained that hours had passed without a correction note being appended. Enda said she apologized for the matter, publicly and privately. But the union members drafted a letter to her later that month in which they expressed concern that she had not stood “in solidarity” with Goldstein, who did not offer comment for this story.
More meetings will take place this week between ThinkProgress and CAP, but as you can tell from the numbers, a lot will have to happen in order for the website to stay afloat.
[Featured image via Twitter]

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They just need to hire some cheap illegal immigrants to replace the high priced American employees
I had a Muslim raghead tell me that he was being paid a flat daily rate, far less than minimum wage as a gas station/gouge and go mini store attendant. So they might be just as likely to hire someone like him.
It’s a shame.
Time to cue up a little Monie Love.
The headline is misleading. “Journalists” should appear in quotes.
It was amazing how detailed that Daily Beast article was, and yet they never once got close to mentioning the actual function of Think Progress, or the reason it’s failing now.
They do mention that Think Progress is run by CAP, the misnamed “Center for American Progress”. CAP was set up by John Podesta to be a media outlet for Clinton, Inc., and “Think Progress” was their daily online presence. Especially after the last campaign started, this was the slightly disguised mouthpiece of the Hillary campaign. They *never* had any revenue model; they were always designed to subsist on money from the Clinton Foundation, or from donors who wanted to earn bonus miles from the Clinton’s.
And now the donors have all dried up, and Hillary and Chelsea have gotten bored with their old toy and don’t feel like paying for it anymore. That’s what’s happening to Think Progress.
As Legal Insurrection announces it’s growing.
Perfect timing!
No matter how passionately progressives believe in socialism, free markets actually model the real world.
And in the real world, the market for promoting socialism is heavily oversaturated. Hence, the layoffs and cutbacks.
Yet another brutal ‘Learn to Code’ announcement.
I doubt that many of them have or are capable of learning to code. How many have heard of algorithms or have a clue how to write code to mimic one?
How many are able to make decisions where their feelings don’t matter but it’s important to be at least generally correct?
No wonder they love socialism and think so little of the capitalistic forces of supply and demand…
MTED is correct…journalists…haha..
Extreme leftists activists/SJWs..
After graduating from whatever liberal liberal arts rathole they graduated from all they can do complain, lie, be triggered, offended and demand the government mess things up more and take away freedom…
The Useless Generation
the poor dears… i feel so bad for them.
re: “Staffers encouraged to look for new jobs.”
Only one job to fit their qualifications; ‘Trash picker at the local landfill’.
Shit Squad. San Francisco.
Rut Roh!!!!!!!!!
Time for a Brand Change for them.
I’ve got it!!!!!!!!!!!!
They ran out of other people’s money.
The name should have been Feel Progress.- no thinking involved!
Needs more union. I’m sure that with the union “helping” TP (no, not toilet paper, it is electrons which don’t do nearly as good a job as the Wapoop or nyslimes) I’m sure the site would immediately become hugely profitable.
That can happen when a group tries to foist Regression on the American people.
Maybe now lefties will realize that those damn conservatives were right: unions can destroy jobs and businesses.
This couldn’t have happened to a nicer group of leftists.