Prof Argues the Game of Dodgeball Reinforces Oppression

Do you want to create another generation of campus snowflakes? This is a great way to start.The College Fix reports:

Prof argues the game of dodgeball has a ‘hidden curriculum’: it ‘reinforces oppression’Having spent a career in education, I’ve pretty much seen and heard it all when it comes to criticism of the profession. One of the most common complaints is the lack of rigor — or the copious quantities of nonsense, if you prefer — associated with advanced degrees in the field.Case in point: A curriculum and pedagogy professor from the University of British Columbia will present a paper (on behalf of herself and two colleagues) at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences which argues the classic game dubbed “dodgeball” is “miseducative” and even “oppressive.”The National Post got a hold of Professor Joy Butler and company’s paper abstract, and, well, the eye-rolling just gets better:

As we consider the potential of physical education to empower students by engaging them in critical and democratic practices, we conclude that the hidden curriculum offered by dodgeball is antithetical to this project, even when it reflects the choices of the strongest and most agile students.

The “hidden curriculum” of dodgeball includes social theorist Iris Marion Young’s “five faces of oppression”: marginalization, powerlessness, helplessness, exploitation, and cultural domination. Educators, primarily physical education teachers, are “part of the problem” by using dodgeball in their classes as they’re “not acting on values they otherwise understand and claim to hold.”

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