Dr. Jordan Peterson Announces ThinkSpot, A Free Speech Social Media Platform

As reported by Newsbusters, the acclaimed and highly popular Canadian professor Jordan Peterson is going to be launching a social media platform called ThinkSpot.

The professor announced his plans to do so several months prior following the banning of British UKIP MP candidate Carl Benjamen (AKA Sargon of Akkad) from Patreon. As of this coming August, this new service will be available to the public as a subscription service.

Dr. Peterson explained the concept of his new platform in detail on the most recent episode of his podcast with Joe Rogan as his guest. The new platform will serve simultaneously as an all-purpose payment processor and social media platform that won’t block content from any creators shy of those who are breaking the law. This sets the platform aside from recently far more censorious social media platforms and payment processors like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Paypal and even Chase Bank.

The new service has already gained a solid foundation of ideological backers and is beginning its process of beta testing the service this month. As stated by Newsbusters,

Peterson said that a handful of major free speech proponents including Dave Rubin, Michael Shermer, and Carl Benjamin are on board to be beta testers for Thinkspot.

Peterson’s daughter Mikhaila encouraged podcast listeners to sign up as testers for the platform in its current beta phase, before the intended August 2019 launch.

“We’re in desperate need for a platform that doesn’t arbitrarily decide to throw people off because of random crowd mentality,” she said.

For those who would like to help with beta testing the new platform, the website is accepting submissions via a waiting list at http://thinkspot.com.

Tags: Free Speech