Affirming Stacey Abrams’ Delusions Has Become a Litmus Test for 2020 Dems
“If this country wasn’t racist, Stacey Abrams would be governor”

Stacey Abrams continues insisting that the race for governor in Georgia last fall was somehow illegitimate, and that voter suppression prevented her from winning. The fact is that she lost fair and square, but Democrats running in 2020 are repeating her ludicrous claim.
Voting reached a record high in Georgia last fall, but Abrams is seen as a power broker on the left and Democrats desperately want her as an ally.
After meeting with Abrams this week, Pete Buttigieg clearly got the message.
Pia Deshpande writes at Politico:
Buttigieg says Stacey Abrams was robbed in Georgia governor’s race
Pete Buttigieg said on Thursday that Stacey Abrams was robbed of the governorship of Georgia, blaming voter suppression for her narrow loss last year.
“Stacey Abrams ought to be the governor of Georgia,” Buttigieg said to applause at the Democratic National Committee’s African American Leadership Summit in Atlanta.
“When racially motivated voter suppression is permitted, when districts are drawn so that politicians get to choose their voters instead of the other way around, when money is allowed to outvote people in this country, we cannot truly say we live in a democracy,” he continued.
See the video below:
Seth Moulton, who is barely registering in the polls, clearly wanted some of the attention that comes with taking this position. He made a similar claim during a town hall for CNN.
The Hill reported:
Moulton: ‘If this country wasn’t racist, Stacey Abrams would be governor’
Rep. Seth Moulton (D-Mass.) said Sunday that racism in America prevented Stacey Abrams from being elected governor of Georgia last year.
“If this country wasn’t racist, Stacey Abrams would be governor,” the White House hopeful said during a CNN town hall in Atlanta. “People of color are being systemically denied the most basic right in a democracy, which is the right to vote.”
Abrams, a black woman, lost the 2018 gubernatorial race to Brian Kemp, a white man, by a little more than 1 percentage point.
The contest was rife with allegations of minority voter suppression by Kemp, who was secretary of state before running for governor.
Moulton’s comment came in response to a question he received about how his administration would combat systemic racism.
See the video below:
Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, who has been struggling to regain his footing, is also singing the same tune.
FOX News reported:
Beto O’Rourke suggests Stacey Abrams may have lost in a rigged election
Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke, D-Texas, suggested former Georgia state Rep. Stacey Abrams’ gubernatorial race defeat in 2018 might not have been a fair fight.
O’Rourke, during an appearance on “The View” Tuesday morning, floated the idea that Abrams’ race against Gov. Brian Kemp may have been rigged against her.
“The grace with which she met that defeat on an unfair, unlevel playing field with the Secretary of State perhaps rigging, in part, that election…is inspiring stuff at a time that our democracy is so badly broken,” he said.
Video below:
Agreeing with Abrams’ delusions seems to be a way for white male candidates to escape their privilege.
Even if it conflicts with reality.

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“Tell a lie often enough.”
We need to fight back against these lies each and every time.
Sick of her delusions, the delusions of trans, the lies of “diversity is our strength”,
the lies of “immigration is a right”, the lies of abortion is not killing a baby, etc.
You are so right. I know it is so easy to not respond. “Lefties just being Lefties,” don’t you know? But without push-back, they get away with it, and who knows how many buy into their narrative. I have almost no liberal friends left. In part because most of my friends are fellow evangelicals. But part of it may be that, except for family, I no longer let leftist falsehoods go unchallenged.
You don’t have to lose your lefty friends, not all of them anyway. Guide them in with one hand as you try to guide them the right diretion with the other.
Man, if this country wasn’t so racist, a bi-racial, half-African, empty-suit, radical Leftist, pathological narcissist and demagogue “community organizer” might stand a chance at being elected President! Twice!
Oh, wait a minute, that already happened. Guess I’ll have to find another example with which to flagellate the U.S. for its alleged flaws.
I’ve seen the line that Buttigieg is somehow a moderate. I haven’t seen that at all. He is the most extreme cutting leftist disruptor.
She is kind of busy with the Grand Jury that is picking apart her failed campaign accounting books. It seems that quite a bit of money disappeared or got spent on things you cant buy with campaign money.
I am shocked! Was it cookie and ice cream because she isn’t wasting away.
And the Left will just scream that the prosecutors and the Grand Jury are racist if/when she is indicted
Their political playbook is like a Rolodex with only 6 cards on it. and 5 of them are “Blame Racism”
Why do the Dems/Progs have such a disconnect with reality? Too many safe places, tenure and other shielding systems do not serve them well. The real world is out there, the rest of us live in it, deal with it!
I bet her LinkedIn profile says “Governor of GA” under current occupation.
Democrats love delusions, and this one isn’t a stretch for them. They’re the party that thinks a man can give birth and a female can impregnate a woman. They’re also the party that thought voters liked Hillary Clinton. As for Buttegieg’s allusion to gerrymandering, if he’d achieved any office other than mayor, he’d know that governors are elected statewide, and gerrymandering doesn’t affect the vote.
Democrats love delusions, and this one isn’t a stretch for them. They’re the party that thinks a man can give birth and a female can impregnate a woman. They’re also the party that thought voters liked Hillary Clinton. As for Buttegieg’s allusion to gerrymandering, if he’d achieved any office other than mayor, he’d know that governors are elected statewide, and gerrymandering doesn’t affect the vote.
Today’s Democratic Party is totally about identity politics: reparations, open borders, healthcare for illegals, amnesty, the Equality Act, etc. If you are a working class American, all that’s in it for you is higher taxes and your daughter won’t make the girls’ volleyball team because five trannies did.
And if the Queen had balls she’d be the King.
Abrams is a moron and should be locked up.
If this country was truly off the deep end with no hope, this stupid woman would still not be governor. It has zero to do with her race, it has everything to do with this narcissistic, hate filled pus bag.
I’d be afraid to elect her to dog catcher.
Maybe fat Stacy should just break down and go GET A REAL JOB.
She lacks the real skills to do that. Besides, who wants a community organizer in their company?
I was checking the local news and found this article…
The Ds were voting for a state chair when there was a slight tally problem. “The unofficial election results showed Andrews, a Tulsa Realtor and secretary of the Tulsa County Democrats, defeated Christine Byrd, the party’s outreach director, by a vote of 287 to 275.
But the number of votes cast in the election was higher than the number of delegates in attendance and the number of proxy votes from people who couldn’t make the convention. It’s unclear the difference in the number of votes, but Andrews won by a mere 12-vote margin.”
That pic of Stacy Abrams with the Atlanta skyscrapers in the background doesn’t make sense. She had nothing to do with building up that city.
“Construction Appropriation.”
“She built this city on Rock and Roll.”
“[She] didn’t build that!”
So to speak.
Progressivism is to a great extent a fetish for the counterintuitive. How can you be smarter than everyone else unless you “know” things that normal people don’t?
It also includes a fetish for the weird and and avant-garde, perpetually pushing the limits of what you have to like in order to be sufficiently “woke”.
Progressives are mentally ill.
Should Hollywood make good on their threat to abandon GA for passing an anti-genocide bill (sure,that’ll happen), maybe most of her votes will also leave. It’s worth it GA. There are better ways to build your economy than becoming subservient to these obnoxious and toxic kooks.
What exactly is her appeal anyway? Her willingness to say absolutely anything to get elected? Like there aren’t enough of them already? It certainly isn’t her charm, beauty, or charisma. What is it? In addition to her stealing campaign cash, she is still trying to steal an election she didn’t even come close to winning. Losing is winning? That seems about all the left has left these days. From Hillary to Beto to Biden…..
She’s a community organizer. She registered a bunch of voters and they vote for her.
I’m waiting for some prog to suggest we need to spot any minority an additional “bonus” of 100,000 votes in the tally.
The accusation of racism isn’t magic any more. If that’s all she has left to leverage, there’s nothing much in her future.
Hillary Clinton’s and Stacy Abrams’ claims they would have won their elections if they hadn’t been undermined by the Russians or racists are as a pitiful as those Confederates who claimed their noble cause was crushed by overwhelming numbers of dishonorable Yankees, or the World War I German generals who maintained they weren’t defeated on the battlefield (they were), but “stabbed in the back” by treacherous civilians.
“If this country wasn’t racist, Stacey Abrams would be governor”
If the queen had balls, she would be king. The queen has none and is still the queen and Stacy is still not governor.