Unfair Advantage: Transgender Weightlifter Breaks Several Women’s World Records
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Unfair Advantage: Transgender Weightlifter Breaks Several Women’s World Records

Unfair Advantage: Transgender Weightlifter Breaks Several Women’s World Records

“A woman with female biology cannot compete.. it’s a pointless unfair playing field.”


Mary Gregory was born male, but now identifies as female. Now that Gregory has broken world records in women’s weightlifting, some people have pointed out the fact that biology provides an unfair advantage.

Alex Lasker reports at AOL News:

Transgender weightlifter smashes women’s world records, sparking backlash from Olympians

A transgender weightlifter is receiving backlash after racking up multiple wins during the 100% Raw Weightlifting Federation competition in Virginia over the weekend.

Mary Gregory, an American powerlifter and strength coach, took to Instagram on Sunday to announce she had gone “9 for 9” at the competition and broken four women’s world records: Masters world squat record, open world bench record, Masters world deadlift record and Masters world total record.

“Still processing, full meet recap to come a bit later,” she wrote, before thanking those who made her feat possible, including the competition’s organizers.

“A huge thank you to @raw_powerlifting_federation_ , from the bottom of my heart!” Gregory said. “As a transgender lifter I was unsure what to expect going into this meet and everyone- all the spotters, loaders, referees, staff, meet director, all made me welcome and treated me as just another female lifter- thank you!”

However, despite her own enthusiasm, Gregory’s win seems to have angered a few other athletes, including former British Olympic swimmer Sharron Davies and British track Olympian Kelly Holmes.

Here’s Gregory’s Instagram post:


View this post on Instagram


What a day, 9 for 9! Masters world squat record, open world bench record, masters world dl record, and masters world total record! Still processing, full meet recap to come a bit later but I do want to thank a few people!???? – From our initial consultation I told @savvysavit that I wanted to cut to the 82.5kg class, go 9 for 9, and set some records- we did it!!! I don’t think she was happy with me cutting but she was there offering her support. When I needed a pick me up or advice she was there! Thank you coach!???? – A huge thank you to @raw_powerlifting_federation_ , from the bottom of my heart! As a transgender lifter I was unsure what to expect going into this meet and everyone- all the spotters, loaders, referees, staff, meet director, all made me welcome and treated me as just another female lifter- thank you! And thanks to all the fans in the audience who cheered me on and congratulated me!???? – Thank @rrrrachele for making the trip out to support me today, video my lifts, and cheer me on!???? – And thank you to all the peeps on Instagram who reached out to offer your support!???? – Now for ???? and ????!!! – #transgenderwoman#sharetheplatform#transrightsarehumanrights#lgbtq#bemoreawesome#upliftandliftheavy#morefemalestrength#richmondbalance#liftlunchlearnrva#squat#bench#deadlift

A post shared by Mary Gregory (@75marylifts) on

Here are the tweets from Davies:

It’s difficult to disagree with Ms. Davies on this. If people who were born male are allowed to compete in women’s sporting events, what is the point of women’s sporting events?

Featured image via YouTube.


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TheOldZombie | May 3, 2019 at 1:10 pm

Thank you leftist ideology. Women brought this on themselves by not immediately squashing this. As long as women stand by and allow men to become women and than compete in these sports the men will dominate.

Women have to band together and put their foot down.

But it seems way too many women have bought into the leftist belief that a person can be any gender they want and because of that can be in a women sports competition.

Meanwhile I’m going to keep laughing at the absurdity of it all.

    healthguyfsu in reply to TheOldZombie. | May 3, 2019 at 1:24 pm

    This will make women’s beach volleyball much less interesting to watch.

      Jackie in reply to healthguyfsu. | May 5, 2019 at 11:04 am

      This is as bad as the Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue where women are wearing burkinis and I am being told that fat women are our new swimsuit models. Do women want to look at pictures in a magazine of fat men? Are fat men beautiful?

    Massinsanity in reply to TheOldZombie. | May 3, 2019 at 3:47 pm

    Look what happens to those women who have tried. Martina Navratilova was savaged by the trans community and the hard left for speaking out about this nonsense to the point where she was forced to backtrack and she was once a champion for gay/lesbian rights.

    I assume Sharron Davies is facing the same treatment.

    This is so absurd and it is affecting sports in HS (See CT track), college (NCAA D2 track) and beyond.

      Joe-dallas in reply to Massinsanity. | May 3, 2019 at 5:40 pm

      This really shows how the left/progressives are truly the anti-science party.

      Transgender individuals have severe mental health issues. However it is delusional to believe that it is a biological issue that can be resolved with hormones and surgery.

Women and men are the same and equal in all things, eh? How large is the petard upon which the feminists have hoisted themselves? No sympathy for those now nose-to-nose with reality.

    tarheelkate in reply to bear. | May 3, 2019 at 3:11 pm

    The people now nose-to-nose with this reality are probably mostly real females who have worked hard to excel at a sport, not so much radical feminists.

      Rick in reply to tarheelkate. | May 3, 2019 at 3:54 pm

      Agreed, but many of those women in sports, when interviewed, give lip service to the need to be caring for the perverts who are causing this problem.

        venril in reply to Rick. | May 6, 2019 at 1:56 pm

        They give it lip service because if they don’t, they know they’ll be black-listed and savaged in the media. The transtapo is pretty brutal. When a kid’s peers, coaches, teachers, refs, athletic boards, are all singing the praises of that dude who just beat you, sort of intimidating – they’d ALL turn on her in a heartbeat.

AmandaFitz | May 3, 2019 at 1:16 pm

We used to just label them transVESTITE- men who dressed as women or women who dressed as men. By changing the nomenclature, the Left gave license and “legitimacy” to the pretense.

    Paul in reply to AmandaFitz. | May 3, 2019 at 1:20 pm

    Yep, this is a great example of how insidious their penchant for changing the meaning of our language can be.

    JoAnne in reply to AmandaFitz. | May 3, 2019 at 3:00 pm

    But transvestites still identified as the sex they were born. This thing is out and out loony tunes.

The neo-Marxists are having a blast running rough-shod through our culture, destroying it, burning it to the ground. The left is happy to play along.

Notice how the Equal Rights Amendment is back as a major focus of the “news” now? That’s going to become a major theme from now at least until the 2020 election… their whole strategy it to destroy western culture by pitting groups against each other.

Obama succeeded beyond his wildest dreams… he fundamentally transformed our culture by elevating a fringe band of “community organizing” nut-jobs to the national level.

According to Mark Rippetoe, it isn’t the current amount of testrostrone that counts as much as the in utero testrostrone flood a fetus receives at about 8 weeks gestateion that effects for life neuro muscular response.

Yep, if women don’t protest, maybe not all of their sports will be infiltrated, but there will be girls who are denied scholarships, etc. and they can’t go to the men’s side of sport and compete either.

JackinSilverSpring | May 3, 2019 at 1:48 pm

These sports should be based on DNA. There should be sports for which contenders have to have XX chromosomes and sports for which contenders have to have XY chromosomes. That way a guy feeling his feminine side will be ineligible to compete with individuals who have XX chromosomes.

    I was going to post this exactly. Simple solution. I don’t care what gender you ‘think’ you are. Let’s see those chromosomes. ‘XX’ in one line, ‘XY’ in another line. Let the best person win.

JackinSilverSpring | May 3, 2019 at 1:48 pm

These sports should be based on DNA. There should be sports for which contenders have to have XX chromosomes and sports for which contenders have to have XY chromosomes. That way a guy feeling his feminine side will be ineligible to compete with individuals who have XX chromosomes.

JackinSilverSpring | May 3, 2019 at 1:48 pm

These sports should be based on DNA. There should be sports for which contenders have to have XX chromosomes and sports for which contenders have to have XY chromosomes. That way a guy feeling his feminine side will be ineligible to compete with individuals who have XX chromosomes.

bobinreverse | May 3, 2019 at 2:05 pm

A smart no name college would recruit all trannies for their basketball team like Don Haskins recruited all blacks for UTEP a long time ago. The tranny team could win the NCAA for 2 3 years before the big teams caught up and make the no names school rich and famous at least in short run.

Also be funny to see tranny team play and beat ND 100 20. ND coach Muffet McGraw thinks men have too much influence in womens bball so it would be interesting to see her listening to and agreeing with Mayor Pete telling explaining to her thumping is greatest thing ever to happen to women sports.

Wow, I never saw that coming. Who would ever have thought that there are differences between men and women and men who pretend to be women? I know I am floored by this. Must be an anomaly.

Or not.

I think this is Divine Retribution for Title IX rules decimating men’s sports. I must admit, I am feeling far more schadenfreude at this development than I should.

    JoAnne in reply to Leslie Eastman. | May 3, 2019 at 3:03 pm

    LOL! I think you’re right!

    gonzotx in reply to Leslie Eastman. | May 3, 2019 at 4:50 pm

    I’m sorry but that’s a ridiculous statement. Before title 9 there literally were no women’s sports. Men’s teams have not been decimated, that’s a joke. Some schools had to let some sports go because of numbers and cost but as a female athlete, and mother of a daughter that competed in Division 1 Basketball and was rated in the top 50 nationally, without title 9, there would not be women’s sports I can tell you title 9 was an absolute needed Godsend.

      daniel_ream in reply to gonzotx. | May 3, 2019 at 6:47 pm

      without title 9, there would not be women’s sports

      If your hobby needs to be legislated into existence, that means nobody wants to watch it on their own time and on their own dime.

      College sports is a hobby for those participating and idle entertainment for those watching. It has nothing to do with higher education and has no business being part of a formal university program.

        gonzotx in reply to daniel_ream. | May 4, 2019 at 1:31 am

        Actually, that’s bullshit. Women couldn’t even open a bank account or apply for a loan without a male consigner. Women were thought of as handmaidens to men and ALL women were thought Dykes if they had any interest in sports.
        The high school I attended had a bathtub sized pool for the girls BUT the boys had an Olympic sized pool with diving boards and alas a swim team for boys only.
        That was the reality, no sports for those weak women, no money allocated, zero, nothing
        I was told as post HS direction from my so called advisor to get married and stay home and drink 2 martinis a day like his wife. I told him I knew why his wife got drunk everyday.
        Female lawyers or Doctors, don’t make me laugh, there weren’t any…

        So kiss my ass, I lived through it!

      healthguyfsu in reply to gonzotx. | May 3, 2019 at 11:06 pm

      Women’s sports just don’t market well. If watching sports at all, most women would rather watch men’s sports than women’s. Of course, men overwhelmingly prefer men’s sports to women’s sports.

      These the unfortunate, economic realities of women’s sports. I don’t have anything against you or anyone participating in those sports.

      However, if a sport is successful in revenue absent regulation, then it should not be held back or marginalized by regulation. This is precisely what happens to smaller men’s sports because of title IX. Meanwhile, the women’s sports generating even less revenue then smaller men’s sports are artificially regulated and propped up by this fiasco.

    Massinsanity in reply to Leslie Eastman. | May 3, 2019 at 5:26 pm

    You are both at extremes. There were and most certainly would continue to be women’s sports in HS and College without Title IX. On the other hand, men’s sports were not “decimated” but there is no doubt that sports like wrestling were severely impacted as was football at a number of lower D1 and below schools.

    Milhouse in reply to Leslie Eastman. | May 5, 2019 at 5:22 pm

    Indeed. I was a big fan of Sarah Palin, but one of the very few problems I had with her was that she was a big booster of Title 9.

This comedy film’s portrayal of the East German Olympic team predicted what’s actually happening now in women’s sports.

OleDirtyBarrister | May 3, 2019 at 3:20 pm

But I thought the atheist marxists were the smart ones that had a monopoly on comprehending and accepting science.

Anyone that is willing to allow another to paint the critter a darker shade of brown, place a saddle on it to cover the obvious hump on it, place lipstick on it, and pass a camel off as a horse is not the smart one. Ironically, the atheist marxists insist that the people in this world that can still distinguish a camel from a horse are the dumb ones, and their fellow travelers in media go along with them and try to punish anyone that speaks up in dissent.

iconotastic | May 3, 2019 at 3:26 pm

Man breaks women’s weightlifting records

Not very newsworthy when you say it like that.

What is truly pathetic is that other than Sharron Davies, every other female athlete or ex athlete who has complained is so crushed in social media that an apology is almost immediately issued. Like Martina.

Despite the “I’m more macho than any man” claims emanating from the L side of the LBGTQRSTUVWXYZ cabal, having a biologic male compete in female athletic competition is a crime against the 100% XX Chromosome paired females. No true female can successfully compete against a ‘trans-female’. Such competitions should be separated from male AND female athletic events. Why they could even have their own Olympics.

    MajorWood in reply to SeniorD. | May 4, 2019 at 10:35 am

    A local brew pub has an LBGT sandwich, lettuce, bacon, guacomole, tomato, which sounds delish.

    Since being a victim is just so in-vogue these days, might I suggest a recent BBC 4-part mini-series “The Victim” as a serious BAFTA winner.

What Gregory is doing is cheating. He is claiming an unfair advantage by virtue of having male physiology. It is no different than East German female athletes using steroids and other performance enhancing drugs in the Olympics in the 1970s and 1980s. All it will do is degrade the prestige of competing in women’s sports.

    pablo panadero in reply to Mac45. | May 3, 2019 at 4:14 pm

    Time to reinstate all of those East German medals won, because by today’s standards they are in the right now.

Iconoclastic: Best comment I ever read on the subject at hand! Kudos.

Lots of money in the LPGA for a confused so so male golfer.

We have become new parents again this year (got a puppy dog????).

What is interesting is everyone says dont cut the little fuckers bollocks off until he has reached his teenage years (in dog years) as the testosterone generated in the ball sack helps to strengthen his bones and will be beneficial for the rest if his life.

Now you cannot tell me that a man who has been producing testosterone all his life and then decides he wants to be called Sharon tomorrow does not have a competitive advantage over someone who has been Sharon all her life?!?

MikeyParks | May 3, 2019 at 5:00 pm

While I know that women brought some of this on themselves, I think it’s time that men – real, biological, DNA-approved, MEN MEN, started standing up for the real women and quit savoring their discomfort. This is a grave injustice that’s being cloaked in SJW clothes. It can’t go on. We have to speak up loud and clear. Let the tranny men compete against each other.

    This seems the likely outcome. Set up separate trans sports as was done for women; otherwise, women’s sports will default to that as female athletes can’t win and stop playing along.

    I wonder why we don’t hear about trans men dominating in male sports.

Will this situation be affected by the recent decision by the Court of Arbitration for Sports in the Caster Semenya case? Just looking at the lifter, I’d guess testosterone is well over the limit. Judging from the SWJ tweets and media I’ve seen so far, the feelings and “civil rights” of female-identifiers are far more important than the hard work of women who carry two X chromosomes.

I posted this on Insty earlier…

Not to be sticky
But if you have a dicky
And want to be called Vicky
You are a sicky

It got a lot of upvotes so I figured I would share.

I’m surprised this hasn’t become more of a political issue. Asking candidates if they support allowing biological men to compete in women’s sports.

He is not female.

    n.n in reply to Exiliado. | May 3, 2019 at 7:59 pm

    He is or imagines himself to be feminine (i.e. gender) male (i.e. sex), not limited to sexual orientation, but rather other mental attributes, while retaining certain physical advantages engendered by masculine physiology.

LeftWingLock | May 3, 2019 at 7:37 pm

It’s amazing how many women are becoming sexist and transphobic. We must all do our part to treat everyone as an equal.

This is absolutely hilarious. What come-uppance to the useful idiot women who subscribed to the idiology foisted upon them by unhappy fat women, many of them angry, Jew-hatin lesbian variety.

Next thing you know, they’re going to let michelle obama be shown at the next Westminster Kennel Club competition.

    DuxRedux in reply to TheFineReport.com. | May 3, 2019 at 9:25 pm

    “Next thing you know, they’re going to let michelle obama be shown at the next Westminster Kennel Club competition.”

    Too perfect!

Subotai Bahadur | May 3, 2019 at 10:34 pm

The sole purpose of Title IX was to attack and destroy men, preferably white men. For the letter of the law to be used to enforce equality on women is heresy. Since this is the post-Constitutional United States of America, it will be overturned, just because.

Subotai Bahadur

Are feminists feeling that grrl power yet?

What should scare everyone is how such a vanishingly small portion of our population gained so much power to influence so much of our world to such a degree. By all accounts I can find the transsexual community is well less than 1% of the population and yet when people such as Martina Navratilova speak out the outcry is overwhelming.
Why are we allowing such a tiny portion of the population dictate to the rest of us what is acceptable and how we should all think?

Can’t have reality intruding. We might notice that women make fair to poor cops, bad soldiers and sailors and abysmal firefighters with zero female firefighters killed at ground zero. We might notice that standards have dropped across the board for these careers and performance shows. Oh sure get up in arms because a self eunuch with a titty fetish beats some girl lifting weights but let’s ignore every real life scenario where this really matters and lives are lost.

Boys, put on a wig, call yourself a girl, and get into women’s sports in high school.

THEN, kick ass, break records – and enjoy your full college scholarship in a women’s sporrt. After you graduate, call yourself a man, and enjoy your free education.

Stipulated Fate | May 4, 2019 at 8:41 pm

Ha ha ha! The left and only the left can be held responsible for this bullshite. Well done, if females don’t rise up, then you’ve only yourselves to blame for being silent in the face of insanity.

Stipulated Fate | May 4, 2019 at 8:41 pm

Ha ha ha! The left and only the left can be held responsible for this bullshite. Well done, if females don’t rise up, then you’ve only yourselves to blame for being silent in the face of insanity.

    I was a liberal in my youth and I kept getting hammered with the absurdity of the left,which drove me to change. When liberals and their children lose jobs and awards and placements to top schools because of this craziness, maybe they will start realizing how dumb it is.

I love it!!!

now the left can try and figure out how to placate the REAL women whilst they support

this abberations

floridaman | May 8, 2019 at 3:32 pm

I see that he has been stripped of all those ‘records” now. Somebody got it right!