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Transgender Weightlifter Who Broke Women’s Records Stripped of Titles

Transgender Weightlifter Who Broke Women’s Records Stripped of Titles

“Our rules, and the basis of separating genders for competition, are based on physiological classification rather than identification.”

Last week, we brought you the story of Mary Gregory, a weightlifter born male, who others celebrated for breaking world records for women in the sport. Many people objected due to an unfair advantage.

Now Gregory has lost all of the titles.

Lily Wakefield reports at Pink News:

Powerlifter Mary Gregory, who broke world records, disqualified for being trans

Transgender powerlifter Mary Gregory, who claims to have broken four women’s world records in competition last month, has been stripped of her trophies and described as “actually a male.”

Gregory says she broke the squat, bench press, deadlift and total records for her weight class and gender at the 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation competition.

Following the event, Gregory posted on Instagram on April 27, thanking the federation for making her feel welcome as a transgender athlete and treating her as “just another female lifter.”

However, in a statement released on May 1, 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation president Paul Bossi said the group has stripped Gregory of her wins because he believes she is male.

“It was revealed that this female lifter was actually a male in the process of becoming a Transgender female,” Bossi said in the statement.

“Our rules, and the basis of separating genders for competition, are based on physiological classification rather than identification.

“On the basis of all information presented to the Board of Directors for this particular case, the conclusion made, is that the correct physiological classification is male.”

“Since the lifter’s gender classification for the purpose of our rules is not consistent with female, no female records will be broken by these lifts,” Bossi concluded.

Jazz Shaw of Hot Air makes an excellent point about this case:

The federation is clearly trying to tiptoe their way around the subject here to avoid backlash from the social justice warriors and their allies in the media. They’re taking great pains to insist that Gregory is a woman if he wishes to identify that way, but the federation’s rules are not based on gender identity, but rather biological sex. And even though Gregory was taking estrogen and testosterone blockers for eleven months, that didn’t make him biologically female…

If those records were allowed to stand, you might as well just not bother having a women’s division in weightlifting. No actual woman will ever win again. And the same goes for virtually every other sport.

On that last point, people seem to have finally woken up to this reality.

Jennifer Hartline writes at Stream:

Girls vs. Transgender: Girls Will Lose Every Time

Yet again, two boys competing on the girls’ track team in Connecticut have beaten the competition (no surprise!) and taken the titles and set new records and prevented girls from advancing to the championships.

Notice my language here, because this is the point. I’m not calling these students “transgender.” I’m calling them boys because that’s what they are. The news articles will use all the required Newspeak, but I will not. They were not merely “born male,” they are male. This ridiculous gibberish will be the death of us. Especially women.

Imagine a women’s sporting event where every single competitor was born male. That’s where we’re headed.

It’s like something out of a Monty Python sketch.


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Thank goodness!
Common sense, science being brought back into the culture?
We can only hope and pray ’tis so!

“Powerlifter Mary Gregory, who broke world records, disqualified for being trans”. No, he was disqualified for being a MAN!

    starride in reply to Romey. | May 14, 2019 at 8:25 am

    No actually IT was actually disqualified for not being a woman. There is no reason to define IT as anything else, the definition just does not fit.

    rdmdawg in reply to Romey. | May 14, 2019 at 9:11 am

    I think the ruling was fair to everyone, Mary can compete in this ‘100% Raw Powerlifting Federation’ but to do so, he has to compete against the other men.


    Ok, this is what REALLY happened….

    During the heat of competition…
    In the lowest part of the squat…
    Her junk fell out of her shorts…
    Hence……the disqualification…..

Celebrating mental illness instead of treating it. The nothingness of everything. How did “civilization” become so creepy? Why are we putting up with these perverts?

Hopefully a turning point, and a sensible compromise everyone can live with.

But I’m not holding my breath. I’ll be surprised if this doesn’t end up in the courts.

    healthguyfsu in reply to clintack. | May 14, 2019 at 10:11 am

    yeah no… this will outrage the activist and every -ism and privilege accusation in the book will be thrown at the sport if it gets enough attention.

“It’s like something out of a Monty Python sketch.”

Sounds like fodder for an SNL sketch. I can see Belushi and Akroyd being interviewed for women’s tennis, hairy and sporting a 5 o’clock shadow, scratching their b@lls. Going on about how women’s sports has made so many wonderful advances in the face of a male dominated field.

If a man wants to dress as a woman, or vise versa, I don’t really care. I take exception to a man by scientific definition competing in sports again women, as despite being pumped full of estrogen, they still have the structure and muscle of a man.

I also believe that it is a mental disorder, and should be treated as such. For some, treatments for the mental disorder do not work. I see this more as a function of desire than it being hard wired into them.

If they want to have operations to remove male or female bits, and construct the parts to pretend to be the opposite gender, have at it, but it shouldn’t be covered under medical insurance, nor should the state pay for it. It is cosmetic surgery.

I am sickened how this world has become so stupid that we are being forced to somehow celebrate people who have mental disorders, who “become” female or male by proclamation, when the most we should do is feel pity for their mental health which is twisted.

They can live their lives, but why should they be granted some special privileges, including invading bathrooms or dressing rooms or locker rooms while living in their make believe world.

Be gay, lesbian, trans, or any other of the “new” genders, but don’t infringe on others who are not mentally challenged. Don’t expect total acceptance of your lifestyle. Don’t expect that the world owes you anything other than the freedom to do what you want if you bear the costs and wish to be outside mainstream society. Why is this too much to ask for these days? Why should society bend to them, and have a political party bow to their ever growing demands? Why should we pay any part of the costs to assist in their deviant lifestyle?

    bobtuba in reply to oldgoat36. | May 14, 2019 at 8:50 am

    Intrigued … newsletter … cut …. jib… etc.

    TrickyRicky in reply to oldgoat36. | May 14, 2019 at 9:26 am

    “Be gay, lesbian, trans, or any other of the “new” genders, but don’t infringe on others who are not mentally challenged. Don’t expect total acceptance of your lifestyle. Don’t expect that the world owes you anything other than the freedom to do what you want if you bear the costs and wish to be outside mainstream society. Why is this too much to ask for these days? Why should society bend to them, and have a political party bow to their ever growing demands? Why should we pay any part of the costs to assist in their deviant lifestyle?”


Solution: establish two new transgender divisions. One for men who transgendered into women and another for women who transgendered into men. At least the competition would have some basis of legitimacy. What possible satisfaction do men competing as women get from it? Do they just hate women?

No wonder so many of them commit suicide. It’s not us, it’s them.

They have weight classes for male athletes, too. If men can compete against women, bigger men can compete against smaller men.

Trans-sex. Trans gender, to me, means you are changing your gender, not your biological sex. Gender is a social construct, and nothing more. What started as three or four “identities”, has now morphed in to almost 60.
Gender fluid, a-gender, questioning gender.. they may “identify” as one on any given day, depending how the mood strikes. Hence, the word trans.
Nope, you are male or female….doesn’t matter how the mood strikes.

Albigensian | May 14, 2019 at 9:24 am

“are based on physiological classification rather than identification.” And yet, you can’t bring yourself to say “separating the sexes”?

It’s probably to late to roll back the change from asking for one “sex” to asking for one’s “gender,” but if you’re going to take a stand on physiology (vs. “identification”) perhaps you should be clear that you’re talking about the sexes and not the genders?

No one seems to have any difficulty at all in identifying animals’ sexes (and it would seem absurd to deny that animals are sexed, given the effect of sex on animal behaviors and the fundamental importance of reproduction in biology).

So when, exactly, did our species transition from the merely human to transhuman (where one can be whatever one wants to be, merely by wishing it into being)?

    healthguyfsu in reply to Albigensian. | May 14, 2019 at 10:10 am

    They’ve potentially stepped in it bigtime playing the get along game.

    At some point, an argument for separating biological females by quartiles or such based on their natural variations in endogenous testosterone could present for challenge.

I want a girl….Just like the girl…
With a pecker like dear old Dad……!!!!!

(Everybody….sing along !)

healthguyfsu | May 14, 2019 at 10:14 am

Some of the reporting about this issue is a little unclear.

It sounds like s/he might be able to keep the wins at the competition, but the records won’t be changed. I’m not sure if I read that right, but I think that’s the case since the local officials were so “welcoming” and all.

DouglasJBender | May 14, 2019 at 10:26 am

Next, Mary Gregory will compete in the swimsuit competition.

bobinreverse | May 14, 2019 at 10:37 am

Bet sports illustrated already contacted her.

This SHOULDN’T be difficult. If you have a penis…you are a male. No penis…then you are a female.

Fe in this case means ‘notta’.

You can identify anyway you want but it doesn’t change those two facts.

    OldProf2 in reply to RITaxpayer. | May 14, 2019 at 11:45 pm

    Popular feminist Germaine Greer made a logical observation on this:
    (quoted from Lucy Clarke-Billings)

    Germaine Greer – a leading feminist who has been a source of inspiration for more than 45 years – has defended her claims that transgender women “can’t be women”, saying “just because you lop off your penis…it doesn’t make you a woman”.

    clayusmcret in reply to RITaxpayer. | May 15, 2019 at 8:32 am

    Close (and agree in principle): If you started out with a penis, you’re a male. If you started out without a penis, you’re a female.

As the father of four female daughters who were fierce competitors, I would advise them to have all the female girls line up and when the gun sounds, let the non-females run and then just walk off the track or walk away from the bar as in this case. The male girls would win nothing since there would be no race and nobody to defeat.

If Trans gender athletes finished in the middle of the pack instead of constantly smashing world records they would have a case about there not being an advantage. When they are mediocre male athletes and world record holders as females, it destroys their arguments. This need to compete as a female is just weird.

An acknowledgment of what is ostensibly a neo-female (i.e. feminine male). Progress? A positive development. We live in somewhat less interesting times. Baby steps.

I’m standing up an insurance agency and going through all the certifications. I have seen this happen in the news only once- and that was a dude claimed to be a woman to get better insurance rates.

I doubt the actuaries are going to agree with the notion that because a man believes he is a woman, he legally gets to be a woman.

This impacts a lot of rates on drivers and life insurance policies.

Curious we haven’t seen more challenges to the hard wall of actuarial tables.


Is this a 1st world problem, or is it a “we are utterly stupid” problem?

I’m all in on Title IX. Do away with gender specific sports. Men and women compete equally—100%. Women try out for typically male-only sports (football-baseball). Men try out for typical female sports (softball-whatever). Overlapping sports are a free-for-all. No gender distinction from colleges, and by extension, the federal govt.

Disclaimer: I am former baseball player who saw funds raised by BASEBALL boosters go to build a new score board for the softball field because more funds couldn’t be spent on male sports than female sports—even if privately raised. THX NIXON and SCOTUS!!

The simple solution is to define females as having “XX” chromosomes. Job done! Trans are just failed males.

clayusmcret | May 15, 2019 at 8:30 am

There are two physiological genders and hundreds of gender related mental disorders.

They said the lifter was in “in the process of transitioning”. I guess the lifter can compete as a woman if transitioning is complete. (have to be very careful how I construct these sentences, because I refuse to use any pronouns!)

Is the problem that the lifter was pre-op? If the lifter gets their dick cut off and a fake “vagina” made, is that then considered a completed transition? How does the sports federation even know whether that’s happened?