Three States Aim for Administration’s Approval to be Home of USAF Space Command
Colorado and Alabama are vying for the honor. California is, too, but doesn’t deserve it.
Three states want President Donald Trump to choose them to house the US Air Force Space Command, which is the initial phase of implementing President Donald Trump’s goal of establishing a US Space Force.
Alabama, California and Colorado are the three finalists to host U.S. Space Command, a unified hub similar to U.S. Central Command or U.S. Cyber Command, which will oversee and coordinate all aspects of Pentagon space policy. The establishment of Space Command is a key step in the process of standing up Mr. Trump’s full Space Force, which in time would become the sixth branch of the armed forces.
A new military branch requires congressional approval, and the idea remains caught in legislative limbo on Capitol Hill. Still, Pentagon officials say U.S. Space Command can be organized relatively quickly and easily.
Once selected, the home of Space Command will become the center for all military space-related programs, which are currently spread across various areas of the military.
Colorado has emerged as an early front-runner, according to CNN’s report based on an internal memo…so that may or may not be true.
The Air Force isn’t disputing the validity of the CNN report, which names four Colorado bases — Buckley Air Force Base, Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Station, Peterson Air Force Base and Schriever Air Force Base — as potential locations of the command, as well as the Army’s Redstone Arsenal in Alabama and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.
However, Air Force spokeswoman Ann Stefanek said that the document was an “early draft,” raising the possibility that other candidate bases could be added to the mix later.
Currently, Air Force Space Command has its headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado.
As a Californian who loves space, I would like to recommend that the USAF Space Command team pick…either Colorado or Alabama. Your employees will not face extreme housing costs and high taxes. Our state is currently dealing with infectious diseases, needle-strewn streets, and Sanctuary State rules. Our political leaders are key figures in the anti-Trump #Resistance, so do not deserve to be rewarded with the Command Center.
There are other factors as well.
@AFSpace The beer is much better around Space Command headquarters in Colorado than it is in California. #Fact
— Justin “Doc” Herman (@JustinHerman) April 29, 2009
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There is another AF Base in Colorado that would be perfect for Space Command – Falcon. Redstone would be the preferred location given its relative closeness to Central Command and the good folks at MacDill, Fort Rucker, NAS Oceana, Quantico, Cherry Point and the JFK School for Boys at Ft. Bragg. Colorado doesn’t have the surrounding military infrastructure for protection. California? Don’t make me laugh.
Redstone in Huntsville is at least a 10 hour drive MacDill where CENTCOM and SOCOM are headquartered. AF Space Command is already at Peterson in Colorado. In fact. I can’t figure out why we need a separate Space Force. As cool as it may sound, the AF already operates 90% of the space assets. All this would do is create more command levels, more generals and staffs to run a separate service, and take away from the AF’s current manning and budget. That said, we need space dominance. Increase in the AF budget for space is all that is needed.
Guess you never heard of helicopters or supersonic jets.
Not only is the Air Farce the Congressional Taxi Service (thus keeping its funding secure) it is also responsible for putting that butt-ugly statue at the Pentagon. Any service that willingly puts something like that in public view doesn’t deserve any more money.
Just FYI, Schriever IS Falcon. They renamed it back in 1998.
That was the name when I was there in ’93
Cheyenne Mountain in Colorado seems like the place… that’s where they have the NORAD command bunker buried in the mountain. Seems like you’d want the same sort of contingency for space command.
It’s also where we keep the Stargate, but I can’t talk about that.
Give Cali the finger.
Colo has done some dumb stuff too but they would be a better choice.
I do wish that option 3 was Texas or Florida and not Alabama. That would be a no-brainer.
Why Cali’s Gubbernor, and Dems would be asking that Sandy OAC Guy for Trillions to build a train track to the moon instead if they got it.
Worst patch artwork ever. And yes, I can do better.
Yes, those patches suck.
Dependable red states only need apply. CA out for sure. CO has a sizeable illegal population with too many natives with a liberal streak; all-in-all CO out. AL is the best of these three; Huntsville to boot.
ROLL TIDE!!!!!!!!!!!
Hah—put the official headquarters on the moon. That’ll fix China’s little red wagon.
Riverside, Iowa. Future birthplace of James Tiberius Kirk. Would dovetail nicely into production facilities for future starships. But then, need to also consider launch site for Fireball series (XL-5).
Where it is housed all depends upon what it mission is going to be.
As it is unlikely that it is going to be launching manned interceptors into orbit, it does not heed any sizable base, nor does it need launch facilities. If it going to be a coordination service, at least initially, then the best place for it is probably at either Peterson AFB or Schriever AFB. Facilities permitting, I would think that the command of the Space Force would prefer Schiever, as it not only houses most of the actual control units for earth orbit military satellites, including the GPS array, but would keep Space Force Command out of the immediate orbit of the US Space Command and NORAD/USNORTHCOM, which would love to assume command of the new division.
California is anti-military, so they don’t deserve another military installation. Colorado already has the Air Force Academy, and Colorado is being inundated with Californians who will try to make it East California before long.
Alabama is far and away the best of these three states. NASA already has a large part of its facilities there, in Huntsville. Check it out:
Some of the comments on Alabama seem to have been made by Yankees who have never visited there. Having lived on military bases in a dozen states, including Alabama, I can state that Alabama is less backward, less racist, and more technically savvy than Detroit or Chicago. Also, Alabama is the only one of these three that is still a free state where you can keep your guns that use standard-capacity magazines.
“Detroit or Chicago”? Seems like an insult to Alabama.
Only in a state that has been reliably Republican and pro Trump. Do not reward blue states.
California? You would have more Chinese spies than real patriots. The State is a lost cause and basically enemy territory.
Alabama. California is an obvious no and Colorado is becoming just as loony.
I nominate Indiana. In about a week (fingers crossed), I should be able to do a table-top test of a theory I came up with (I believe God actively gave to me) which, if it is correct, could be applied fairly simply to create a vehicle that could be roughly SUV-sized, and which could drive down the road, float in water, submerge like a submarine, fly in the air, and (depending on energy needs and resources) travel to the Moon, planets, and perhaps even stars. No joke. IF the theory is correct, all those things could be done, WITHOUT requiring propellers, magnets, chemical or nuclear or any sort of propellant. It would not be “anti-gravity” per se, though it would achieve the same sort of result.
I have made a drawing of the “test model”, and have thought carefully about it for hours upon hours since I first came up with the theory on March 25th. I cannot see any reason why it would not work; but it’s possible, I suppose, that I am overlooking something. I hope I get all the parts I have requested by this Friday. If so, then I think I should be able to make the test-model, and test the theory, by Saturday evening. I should think at the latest by the following weekend.
If my theory does not work, I am confident it would be due to Russian interference. (I am serious about everything in this post, except the Russian interference thing.)
Wish me luck.
Are you Art Bell? Just asking because I’m concerned about the disappearance of the guy who built the time machine out of the transformers.
No. But snide mockery based on complete ignorance, especially in the face of humble acknowledgment of possible error, is absolutely NOT a sign of wisdom or quality of character.
Using basic math (addition, plus two cases of multiplication), it can be shown that one could create a simple system in which the total weight of the system would weigh, say, 175 pounds (including the opposite reaction to an upward force), while the total upward force would be 200 pounds (or greater). (The upward force is multiplied, without increasing the opposite reaction downward, if my theory is correct, and that is the key.) In such a situation, the system/object would achieve lift. This, of course, depends on my theory being correct. I have seen two videos which strongly suggest, based on the behavior of the simple objects in the video, that my theory is correct. But, as I have said, it is possible that I am overlooking something, although I don’t think that I am.
Much bigger yet…..
Is the Kali secessionist movement.
It would be utterly moronic to spend billions of $ to locate an entire new
military service into an area that is in an ongoing effort to extort more tax dollars or even in the early stages of departing the USA.
This is all just silly. Texas is the obvious perfect location.