Larry Elder: “This is about harassing the president up until the election”

A new interview from the ‘American Thought Leaders’ series at The Epoch Times features conservative author and talk host Larry Elder discussing a number of topics.

We recently featured a similar interview with Victor Davis Hanson and thought our readers would enjoy this as well.

Elder offers his thoughts on the aftermath of the Mueller report, the impact of the Jussie Smollett case, and the Democrats running for president in 2020.

Here are some highlights via The Epoch Times.

Elder explains why the Democrats can’t let go of the Russia hoax:

I don’t see what more Congress can find out that the Mueller investigators didn’t find out. This is not about trying to find out the truth or anything. This is about harassing the president up until the election. They don’t want him gone. Some people are saying they want him impeached. They don’t want him gone. They want him there. They want him bloody. They want to mangled. They want newspapers every single day to be about, we subpoenaed this person. This person resisted. This person didn’t bring the documents. Donald Trump is hiding something. Donald Trump is hiding something. And by the way, Donald Trump is hiding something. That’s what they want. They want a bloody candidate limping into the election in November next year.

He offers his views on the Smollett case:

The whole thing is a mess, isn’t it? When it was pretty clear that Jussie Smollett had not been attacked by two people at two o’clock in the morning while he was getting a sandwich from Subway–when they were pretty clear that that didn’t happen. I recall one reporter from People Magazine TV, she said, “I was dreading that this day might come,” meaning the day that it was exposed to be a fake. So she would rather believe that there were two Trump supporting goons patrolling the streets at two o’clock in the morning in Chicago looking for gay black guys to beat up. She’d rather believe that’s true than to believe this guy lied. That’s pretty incredible to me.

He points out how far left the 2020 Democrats are:

I am not impressed with any of them. I’m really not. The one I think is the most most challenging for the president, as I mentioned earlier, is Joe Biden. But Kamala Harris is too radical. You know, their whole agenda: raise taxes, Medicare For All, a $15 minimum wage while we have an economy that’s rocking and rolling. I think it’s foolish…I just don’t think the average American is comfortable with how radical the Democrats have become.

Watch the whole video below or read the full transcript here.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: 2020 Democratic Primary, Conservatives, Jussie Smollett, Robert Mueller