This is apparently part of a campus tradition, but the administration is not a fan.
The College Fix reports:
Colorado State urges students not to jog around campus in their underwearColorado State University administrators don’t really want students to run around campus in their underwear this year, and they’ve enlisted students’ parents to help plead their case.In an email to the parents of Colorado State University students, administrators urged students not to run around campus in their underwear as part of an annual ritual.Each year, CSU students participate in what is called the “Undie Run,” where students streak through campus in their undergarments. Yet the school is urging parents to “have a conversation with your student(s)” to convince them not to participate in the May 10 event.“While this may sound like a harmless, fun tradition that allows students to blow off steam, we have significant and real concerns about it,” wrote Blanche Hughes, vice president for student affairs, and Jody Donovan, dean of students.Among the safety concerns listed by the university are people showing up and taking photos and videos “for their personal use,” heavy drug and alcohol use, and the fact that students remain in their underwear at parties after the event, which sets a “tone that breeds harmful situations for our students.”According to the Denver Post, between 3,000 and 5,000 participants usually take part in the run, some of them non-students or young people still in high school.