Colleges from New York to California Now Offer Funding and Services for Illegal Immigrants
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Colleges from New York to California Now Offer Funding and Services for Illegal Immigrants

Colleges from New York to California Now Offer Funding and Services for Illegal Immigrants

“scholarships, mentoring, and more”

Is there another country on the planet that goes so far out of its way to offer funding and services to non-citizens?

Campus Reform reports:

Schools from New York to California shell out money for illegals

Colleges from New York to California are proclaiming their support for illegal alien students, offering them scholarships, mentoring, and more.

New York University spokesman John H. Beckman directed Campus Reform to a link stating that “NYU will not draw a distinction between applicants who are US citizens, and those who maintain DACA status – or are otherwise undocumented – while determining institutional scholarship awards.”

The school stipulates that illegal alien applicants for financial aid must have attended a U.S. high school for the past three calendar years and must have a social security number or have at least one parent with an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN).

NYU notes, however, that illegal alien scholarship applicants “will not be eligible for federal or New York State financial aid.”

NYU College Republicans declined to comment on the initiative.

MiraCosta College in California also offers scholarships for illegals. A school official told Campus Reform that “we give out financial aid to Dreamers…scholarships to the extent [they are] available we would give to dreamers and undocumented.”

MiraCosta also partners with California State University-San Marcos to offer a program called Undocumented People Rise in Solidarity and Empowerment (UPRISE). UPRISE provides legal consultations, networking, mental health counseling, and family nights with free food to illegal aliens.


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The colleges that offer support for illegal alien needs to have all federal funding revoked.

Would love to see a complete list so alums can withhold financial contributions from said institutions.