College Student Criticized for Proposing Student Fees Not be Used to Fund Abortions
“Abortions are a good thing!”

This happened at the University of Chicago, which apparently has some student fees set aside for ’emergency’ situations.
Campus Reform reports:
Student proposes not funding abortions with student fees…and faces brutal backlash
A University of Chicago college council officer proposed Tuesday a student government bill that would limit the use of student funds to pay for abortions.
Class representative Brett Barbin, who proposed the bill, told Campus Reform that the money for abortions comes out of an “Emergency Fund,” a fund from which he says money for parking fees and bail is also taken.
“Abortions are a good thing!” posted University of Chicago student, student government president-elect, and Emergency Fund representative Jahne Brown. “The Emergency Fund supports and funds abortions proudly! If you need help paying for an abortion, we are here for you!”
Barbin, who is also the outgoing College Republicans president, subsequently drafted a bill for the UChicago college council. The bill proposed that the Emergency Fund not use student money to fund abortions, as not all students feel it is morally right, according to The Chicago Maroon.
The bill failed to pass by a 1-15 vote margin, with Barbin being the sole representative to cast a vote in favor.
Barbin explained that many of the students opposing the bill brought signs in protest. Their signs bore messages such as “F*** off Bratt [sic],” “My body, my choice,” “Do you hate poor students that much,” and “access to abortion saves lives.”
“Six concerned students presented testimony to a largely unreceptive room of 100 students that made clear their sincerely-held moral belief that abortion is murder,” Barbin told Campus Reform. “They were laughed and yelled at but they persisted to read their written statements aloud for the entire room. It was as clear to me in their earlier messages as I hope it became to some in the room that they had legitimate concerns with being forced to pay for abortions.”

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Calling an abortion an “emergency” is torture of the English language.