College Republicans Hold Affirmative Action Bake Sale in Response to New Law

This is an effective form of protest because it offends progressives with a policy they support.

The College Fix reports:

‘One of our best events’: College Republicans hold affirmative action bake sale in response to new lawCollege Republicans at the University of Washington held an “affirmative action bake sale” last week, voicing their opposition to a new law that allows affirmative action policies at public universities in the state. The bake sale generated controversy and even a rebuke from the school’s president.The Washington state legislature last week reversed a decades-old anti-discrimination law, revoking a ban on affirmative action and once more permitting schools to factor race and sex into their admission policies.Initiative 1000 overturns a 1998 law, Initiative 200, which prohibited “government entities from discriminating or granting preferential treatment based on race, sex, color, ethnicity, or national origin.” The text of the now defunct I-200 legislation clarifies that public universities and colleges were included under these regulations.Affirmative action is the process by which officials consider factors like skin color and sex when making admission and hiring decisions. Initiative 200 insisted on blind admissions policies for public entities; now, under the new rule, schools may admit individual students in part because of the color of their skin…The Stranger reported that the Republicans priced the baked goods according to an ethnic hierarchy of sorts. Native Americans, for instance, were charged nothing for cookies; all women, meanwhile, got 25 percent off. Asians had to pay $1.50 for their snack, the highest of the prices.

Tags: Affirmative Action, College Insurrection, Republicans