Villanova’s Teaching Evaluations Now Include Ratings for Diversity and Cultural Awareness

This sounds like it’s about controlling what the professors say and making them careful about how they say it.

The College Fix reports:

Professor teaching evaluations now include ‘diversity,’ ‘cultural awareness’ ratingsVillanova University has launched an effort to monitor professor bias in its lecture halls, according to a pair of professors employed there. This school year, teaching and course evaluations completed by students now include questions about professors’ “sensitivity,” and commitment to “diversity and inclusion.”Professors Colleen Sheehan and James Matthew Wilson note in The Wall Street Journal that students at the Catholic institution “are now being asked heavily politicized questions such as whether the instructor has demonstrated ‘cultural awareness’ or created an ‘environment free of bias based on individual differences or social identities.’”“In short,” the authors continue, “students are being asked to rate professors according to their perceived agreement with progressive political opinion on bias and identity. Students are also invited to ‘comment on the instructor’s sensitivity to the diversity of the students in the class.’”This includes things such as gender identity, disability, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and “etc.” That last item, the professors say, sounds “like an ominous catchall.”To be sure, “political viewpoint” also is on the list; however, Sheehan and Wilson say their colleagues “will now have a powerful incentive to avoid discussion of anything that might be deemed offensive or insensitive to the various social identities and political viewpoints listed (or not listed, by grace of that ‘etc.’).”

Tags: College Insurrection, Pennsylvania