Trump Orders White House Officials to Boycott Correspondents’ Dinner
“The President and members of his administration will not attend the White House Correspondents Dinner this year.”

President Donald Trump announced a few weeks ago he will boycott the White House Correspondents’ Dinner, which will take place this weekend.
He has now ordered White House officials to also boycott the event.
When Trump made his decision, he called the dinner boring and negative. He decided “to hold a very positive rally” and promised it will “be big.”
From The Washington Examiner:
The boycott comes weeks after news organizations invited White House staff and other administration officials to join their tables at the ritzy annual gathering at the Washington Hilton, where tickets cost $300 per seat.
“The President and members of his administration will not attend the White House Correspondents Dinner this year,” a White House official told the Washington Examiner in an email. “Instead, Saturday evening President Trump will travel to Green Bay, Wisconsin where he will hold a campaign rally.”
Earlier in the day, White House Cabinet Secretary Bill McGinley announced that all administration officials were ordered by Trump to skip the dinner, multiple outlets reported.
Olivier Knox, president of the White House Correspondents Association responded:
Response to news reports of a Trump-ordered boycott of the Correspondents’ Dinner: #We’re looking forward to an enjoyable evening of celebrating the First Amendment and great journalists past, present, and future.” – Olivier Knox, President of the #WHCA
— WHCA (@whca) April 23, 2019
The dinner, often called Nerd Prom, should celebrate the First Amendment and press freedom, while recognizing “outstanding journalism from the previous year and uses proceeds from the dinner to fund scholarships for aspiring journalists.”
Instead, it has turned into a lavish social event. Journalists invite celebrities, which many “have said detracts from the dinner’s mission.” Plus, I don’t like the idea of journalists cozying up to the politicians they need to report on. The idea makes me uncomfortable.
It doesn’t help that the comedians who have performed at the dinner have gone after Republicans “sometimes in profane terms, giving the event a partisan cast.”
That is why the boycott does not surprise me. Comedian Michelle Wolf received criticism from both sides after she made fun of Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders.
This year, author Ron Chernow will address the dinner. His 2010 book Washington: A Life won the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Biography and the 2011 American History Book Prize. He received rave reviews and other nominations for biographies on Alexander Hamilton and John D. Rockefeller.

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Good. Any administration officials or staff that defer or cater to the anti-American media should be fired immediately. The traitorous press has shown their hand after the mueller report. Screw them all.
“recognizing “outstanding journalism”
There has not been much outstanding journalism for years, this is just another group patting each other on the back, while fluffing their own egos. They are much like Rags:)
Now Sarah Saunders will not feel compelled to go and be a Pinata.
Yeah, the way they treated her last year is probably the reason for the President’s ban on anyone from his Administration going to the lefty slobber-fest.
A good start…….
’bout frikkin’ time!
Oh SURE he did! More likely everyone in the administration took a look at the shenanigans the last two years, particularly the appalling treatment of Sarah Sanders last year and, not wanting to play public whipping boy for the Left, simply refused to attend. Nobody in their right mind would attend that “dinner” knowing they were going to be publicly crucified.
PLUS all the Uni-Party Creeps will be there “loving” on each other in mass, right out in the public.
Here’s some good examples of that in this great interview.
Lisa Page caught offering bribes to State Department employees. (See about 16 minutes in.)
Shocking Use of FISA by Obama’s FBI to Spy on Trump Campaign – Exclusive with Tony Shaffer
Shocking! Obama had to have in on the entire plot
As much as they hate Trump, Conway, Sanders, Miller, et al, the press should be happy they will not attend
This is not the only thing President Trump is “cracking” on today.
Trump moves to crack down on visa overstays
Is there anything more useless than a WH correspondents’ dinner? I’ve always thought this and never understood why it was a big deal for anyone – the WH or the idiot correspondents.
Gee, let’s have a dinner so we can get a few hours to tell ourselves how awesome we are, since we only get to do that tacitly at work every freaking day.
White House Correspondents.
I think Trump made a mistake ordering them not to attend.
Instead he should have sent a memo. Abnyone attending would be fired nor for showing poor judgement, but for being extremely stupid.
I find it funny how he blames the celebrities for the left bias, yet feels that the past two years of media coverage of this administration has been nothing like free press, nothing like reporting, and more of a series of lies and exaggerations meant to bring down Trump because he is a Republican.
This has nothing to do with celebrating free speech, it has everything to do with finding ways to lavish praise on the left and bash the right. Which they do in almost every report or opinion piece they put out.
The behavior of those they have brought in to “entertain” is not dignified, it was particularly disgusting last year, but this is the propaganda machine of the DNC we are talking about. A self congratulatory night out so they can spew more hate. I have long wondered why any Republican President would go to these affairs any more.
I hope Trump’s actions help spell the end of this farce. But I am sure the next National Socialist party President will go so they can bask in the warm glow of their comrades.
Are you sure that Trump told them to boycott this event, or is that just what the MSM said? I suspect he just declined to tell them to go to this event, where they would be made to feel as uncomfortable as possible.
Bernie Sanders should play Archie Bunker.
It’s hard to blame President Trump for wanting to avoid food poisoning and having to deal with obnoxious jerks who think they’re God’s gift to the world.
He should just send them a big mirror, and tell them to put it in his place, so they can admire themselves; they’d hate him for it, but they’d do it!
Why doesn’t he just suspend the occasion? It’s something that is only put on by the Whitehouse anyway. It’s their call on whether to do it or not.
The White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) is an organization of journalists who cover the White House and the President of the United States. The WHCA was founded on February 25, 1914 by journalists in response to an unfounded rumor that a United States congressional committee would select which journalists could attend press conferences of President Woodrow Wilson.[4]
The WHCA operates independently of the White House. Among the more notable issues handled by the WHCA are the credentialing process, access to the President and physical conditions in the White House press briefing rooms.[5][6] Its most high-profile activity is the annual White House Correspondents’ Dinner, which is traditionally attended by the President and covered by the news media.
Not every member of the White House press corps is a member of the White House Correspondents’ Association.'_Association
Kind of like an parent of an attractive young person declining a free pass for their child to a pedophile convention.
Well. There is hollywood idiot Charlize Theron.
She’d be just the type to send her kid. Give her time.
Ironically, the WHC crowd have only themselves to blame for the Trump Presidency..
Prior to the WHC dinner before the 2016 race, I don’t believe Trump was serious about running, he was just using the rumors to boost his visibility and brand. That year he was one of the “celebrities” attending, and several speakers used the podium as if it was a celebrity roast of Trump instead of the supposed celebration of journalism the dinner is supposed to be about. And not a friendly roast, it was pretty damned mean spirited in tone. They may have thought it was an easy way to get cheap laughs from the “elite” crowd attending, and I guess it was that. It also pissed off the Donald and lit a fire under him, simular to Clint Eastwood’s response to his local politicians telling him to piss off, unless he wanted (ha, ha, stupid actor, who does he think he is) to run for mayor…
There has been no “outstanding journalism from the previous year…” coming out of the WH press pool; nothing but partisan attacks and editorialized showmanship. NO WH staff should attend this event.
DJT could bombard them with Tweets. They’d be so compulsively busy checking Twitter all evening that they wouldn’t have enough attention to spare to listen to whichever rancid “comic” is slinging the insults this year.
McGinley is a Cabinet Secretary? Secretary of what exactly? Is he secretary TO the Cabinet? I can’t find a job description, only that he is WH Cabinet Secretary. I’ve never come across his name before today,
Trump is right again. I wouldn’t give the disgusting media the time of day.
The “nerd prom” is enemy territory and I imagine that Trump’s security cannot be guaranteed there, I have always thought that this is why he begged off the dinner.