Top 5 Media Meltdowns Over Mueller Report

Now that the Mueller report has gone out and the Russia narrative has completely collapsed, one thing is immediately clear. The cable news hosts, so-called experts, columnists, and analysts who have been pushing the hoax for over two years are not happy.

They could apologize and try to reflect on why they all got it so wrong, but they’re simply incapable of that kind of honest introspection. Take a look at some of the reactions to Thursday’s revelations below.

5. Chuck Todd of Meet the Press is still talking about how Russia “hacked the election.”

That’s a completely dishonest choice of words.

4. Brian Williams and Nicolle Wallace of MSNBC trash talk William Barr, saying he “took one for the team.”

These people have no shame.

3. MSNBC legal analyst Neal Katyal, speaking of collusion says “only Trump uses that term.”

2. Noted clod Max Boot invokes Nixon, gets owned by Brit Hume.

1. CNN’s Brian Stelter shares a video of a reporter praising all the “good journalism” during the investigation.

Once again proving they have learned absolutely nothing from the experience.

Bonus: CNN’s “Republican” analyst Ana Navarro reacts exactly as you would expect:

Highlight reel:

Courtesy of the Media Research Center, this collection of clips has many of the usual suspects.

Last word goes to Mollie Hemingway.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Brian Stelter, Media Bias, Robert Mueller, Trump Russia