The Media’s New BFF Pete Buttigieg is Eating Beto O’Rourke’s Lunch
“Having stripped the Kennedyesque Texan of his novelty, the press corps has dumped him for the Kennedyesque Hoosier”

Just a few weeks ago, people on the left were swooning over Beto O’Rourke, but things have shifted. Ever since South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg entered the race, Beto has been left in the dust.
Buttigieg, who is gay, scores higher on the intersectional hierarchy than Beto. Progressives are very excited about him. He speaks multiple languages! He went to Harvard! He picks imaginary fights with Mike Pence!
The media can’t get enough of him.
Jack Shafer writes at Politico:
Why the Media Dumped Beto for Mayor Pete
Burning with the velocity of a prairie fire on a gusty Indiana day, Pete Buttigieg scorched the airwaves, seared the podcasts, and charred the press this week as he ignited his presidential campaign, temporarily torching his Democratic competition in the process.
The secret to Buttigieg’s publicity run was no secret, wrote Matthew Yglesias in Vox. Like Molly Bloom in his favorite novel, Ulysses, he can’t stop saying “yes”—to media invitations. In recent weeks, he’s appeared on a CNN town hall, Ellen, A-list podcasts and Morning Joe, and been featured in New York, POLITICO Magazine, the Atlantic and much more. But saying yes is never enough to hold the press spellbound.
Buttigieg has satisfied the ravenous press corps’ appetite by offering them an entire menu of newish things—no, make that an entire food court of newish things—to write about. He’s the youngest candidate in the field (at 37, he’s the only millennial except for Tulsi Gabbard), he’s gay and married, he’s an Afghan war veteran, he’s a Rhodes scholar (as is Cory Booker, but never mind), he plays a decent piano, he’s a churchgoer, he’s the mayor of the fourth-largest city in Indiana, he once gave a TEDx talk, he worked as a McKinsey consultant, he’s a polymath, he’s as earnest as a preacher, he’s an old person’s idea of what a young person should be like, and he’s figured out how to package progressive ideas as moderate…
Having stripped the Kennedyesque Texan of his novelty, the press corps has dumped him for the Kennedyesque Hoosier like a speed-dater on the rebound from a Tinder relationship gone bad.
Shafer is not exaggerating. The folks at the Washington Free Beacon put together this clip reel of people in media slobbering all over Buttigieg:
Kyle Smith of National Review also wrote about this:
Buttigieg Replaces Beto as the Media’s New BFF
The rise of Pete Buttigieg has been fairly astonishing to behold. It’s an entirely media-driven phenomenon, but then again the media can chauffeur a guy straight into the White House. As we’ve seen.
New polls have Mayor Pete in third place in both Iowa and New Hampshire. It’s a pretty distant third, but when you consider that Buttigieg was completely unknown until ten seconds ago, and recall the years of adoring media attention given Cory Booker and Elizabeth Warren, not to mention a ton of favorable coverage of Kamala Harris and nearly a year of nonstop propagandizing for Beto O’Rourke that would embarrass Kim Jong-un’s press chief, it’s astonishing that Buttigieg is even in the same group as these other candidates, much less ahead of them (by very small margins in some cases). (Oh, and Kirsten Gillibrand, your candidacy is already over. You’re at, or close to, zero. This is as good as it gets for you. Enjoy your lovely parting gifts.)…
Buttigieg is fresh, and that counts among members of the media who may have gotten just a teensy-weensy bit fatigued with all the fawning over Beto. And Buttigieg is impressive in some ways.
Liberals in media love to “make” a candidate. Just look at what they did for Obama in 2008.
Tucker Carlson and Ben Shapiro discussed this issue a few days ago and declared Beto “toast.”
Featured image via YouTube.

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“Biden is presumably the thought leader, but Joe Biden doesn’t have enough thoughts to be a thought leader…” 2:00
Said totally deadpan face, totally serious, and Tucker doesn’t even react. But it is such a great line!
Lunch isn’t the only thing of Beto’s that Mayor Pete would like to eat.
HOT DOG!!!!!!
With relish!
Buttigieg is a RUSSIAN surname isn’t it?
Crab apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Media Darling Pete Buttigieg’s Father Was an Anti-American Marxist Professor at Notre Dame
The MSM, for some reason is predominantly LGBTQ, so concomitantly with their string of Media orchestrated firsts, the first African American president, {Actually he was Halfrican American, “Not a trace of the negro dialect” former Senator Harry Reid (D-NV)}, the first female president by insemination HRC,and now the MSM is aiming for electing the first openly homosexual president. The Media would like nothing better than having the American people elect Buttigieg and positively reaffirm their nefarious lifestyle and will absolutely stop at nothing in order to bring that about.
I was thinking that Biden might say, “Sure he’s a sharp dresser. Aren’t all those guys. He just doesn’t talk like he’s gay.”
Pete and Beto, sounds like a Democrat bromance.
I’m pretty sure Buttigieg understands his role here: he’s supposed to stop Beto, Biden, and Bernie before bowing out to a more diverse candidate who will lose to Trump.
This will raise his status significantly — as well as raising a lot of money for his campaign, money which could be spent on a different race after he bows out.
There’s a Governor’s race in Indiana in 2020, where Mike Pence’s former Lieutenant Governor will be running for reelection. Holcomb only got 51.4% in 2016, so he’s definitely beatable. If Buttigieg comes out of the primaries with a reputation as a moderate Democrat and an enormous fundraising advantage, he could easily be the next Governor of Indiana.
This would position him as: A governor, in the swing-state-heavy midwest, with national name-recognition, and a reputation for winning elections in years when Dems do badly.
This is an awesome position for him to be in for 2024.
Holcomb has been quite the disappointment. His latest was pushing for a “hate crimes” bill, simply because we were one of the 5 states without one. (at least they left out putting “gender identity” on a pedestal)
I’m hoping he decides not to run or Hoosiers are going to end up having a Democrat for Governor
He’s just another extremist Democrat/socialist running on hate America/America last and policy ideas that have been proven to be utter failures everywhere they have been tried
Shiny New Object.
If this is a serious stab at the presidency, they should have held off a bit. The “New” doesn’t last long. For that matter, neither does the “Shiny”.
I think O’Rourke looks more like Eleanor Roosevelt.
Have you seen Mayor Pete’s hubby? Not exactly stud city.
The way Dems are into identity politics, when will one of the also-rans (Klobuchar, Gilleland, Insley, Hickenlooper, etc.) suddenly convert to Islam for a bump in the pols?
Bath House Butti 2020
Robert Francis O’Rourke will (at least needs to) announce he now identifies as a female lesbian (lets him keep the rich wife).
Being Mexican hasn’t helped.
One thing the media won’t mention is South Bend’s crime rate. It is a medium size city (102,000) yet its crime rate is close to that of bigger cities known for crime.
He has a better resume and more experience than Obama, too.
The Limousine Leftists in Ann Arbor like him per one of their chauffeurs, er, closeted right wing friends that I know.
Yay! Little pete butt for leader of thre free world because he’s gay!
Say hello to the flaming gay version of the Left’s former superstar Ossoff. Remember that clown?
It did start with their first gay candidate, obama. And that beast he tows around.
It’s hard to believe that malignant toad and his beast were in the White House. Amazing we survived.
We have hillary clinton’s incompetence to thank, but most of all, Donald Trump: his patriotism, his talent and his character.
If the likes of romney were running in 2016, we’d be doomed.
Say hello to the flaming gay version of the Left’s former superstar Ossoff. Remember that clown??
Beto’s primary appeal to the Dem establishment is that he is a Texan and they are hellbent on turning Texas blue in 2020. Good luck with Gayer Pete who I believe is just establishing himself to run against Pence in 2024.
2024 is a lost cause for the Dems. Their main goal for 2020 should be to rid the party of the new children of the corn. I don’t see that happening either.