Students Demand More Diversity at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government

For the left, diversity is more important than qualifications or course content.

The College Fix reports:

Harvard students make ‘diversity’ demands for its Kennedy SchoolThe adherents to that academic religion of diversity are still at it, this time at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.According to The Harvard Crimson, student activists have issued a set of demands which include “more faculty of color” and “more attention to issues of race and racism in curriculum.” Specifically, their petition wants “at least three new tenure-track faculty of color and three new courses that discuss policy issues through the lens of race and racism.”The petition also says the university should continue offering Professor Khalil Muhammad’s “Race, Inequality and American Democracy” course (or something similar) while the prof is on sabbatical — because many students “were inspired” by it. Petition co-creator Janice Tolbert said RIAD was “by far the most powerful and transformative course” she’d ever taken.Tolbert told The Crimson many students wondered “why th[e] type of conversation” which took place in Muhammad’s class “was not taking place elsewhere” on campus.A year ago, Muhammad told NPR that President Trump was a “really big part of the problem” regarding the issue of whites calling the police on black people for “insignificant reasons”: The president “ran as a law-and-order candidate in a country with a long history where the notion of using the police as the foot soldiers of controlling African-Americans,” he said.

Tags: College Insurrection, Harvard