Seminar at UCLA Compares Communist Dictator Che Guevara to Jesus
“As God created light — is light — Che is radiance”
Leftism is a religion. This is just the latest of many examples.
Campus Reform reports:
UCLA event compares communist dictator Che Guevara to Jesus
The University of California-Los Angeles hosted a seminar Thursday that compared communist dictator Che Guevara to Jesus, with the speaker calling Guevara a “quasi-divine cosmic force” and showing numerous art pieces depicting Guevara with a crown of thorns and crucified.
UCLA Professor Emeritus of Art History David Kunzle was invited by the Department of Religion to make Wednesday’s presentation, titled, “Chesucristo: The Fusion in Image and Word of Che Guevara and Jesus Christ,” which was based largely on his book of the same name.
“Che Guevara, once the epitome of armed struggle, has evolved to an avatar of justice, peace, and love, as Jesus always was but no longer is exclusively,” Kunzle said. The professor referred to Guevara’s portrayal in one of the slides of his presentation as “a quasi-divine cosmic force.” During the course of the lecture, Kunzle labeled Jesus “leader of an armed guerilla struggle against Rome” and drew a parallel between Guevara’s execution and Jesus’ death.
Kunzle also referred to Guevara as a “hero of the Cuban Revolution,” and referenced depictions of him as landscape and nature.
“As God created light — is light — Che is radiance,” the professor said, referring to his name as a “sacred trinity of letters” at another point.
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“Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.” ~Matthew 24:23
I once attended the showing of a film about Che that an expat Argentine made. The expat Argentine filmmaker, a professor at a junior college in New Jersey was in attendance at the showing, and took questions after the showing. Someone pointed out that, while the film had a Bolivian speculate that the summary execution of Che violated his human rights, Che had supervised the execution of some 2,000 prisoners in the early months of the Castro regime. The filmmaker replied that those trials went according to Cuban law. Yes, as kangaroo courts follow the law.
Having an intimate knowledge of the Bolivian attitude towards Argentines, I told a Bolivian joke about Argentines. The joke showed the futility of an arrogant Argentine attempting to get the benighted Bolivians to follow him. The joke got a laugh from the audience. The filmmaker’s response:”Let’s change the subject.”
Che Guevara was never a dictator. He was a guerilla. Jesus Christ was never a guerilla. He was a spiritual savior. There are dictiobnaries on line for those confused by what words mean.