Rutgers Prof Suggests the Concept of Time is Racist
“When white, male European philosophers first thought to conceptualize time and history…”

Is there anything that can’t be declared inherently racist? Apparently not.
The College Fix reports:
Rutgers professor: Even the concept of time is racist
One of the privileges of being a tenured professor in the field of “studies” is that you can make up crap out of thin air and majors in the field, fellow faculty, and progressive media all go “Ooooooh!” in amazement.
Rutgers University’s Brittney Cooper is a master at this. The associated professor of Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies who once opined that Jesus was “potentially queer” or was “married to a prostitute,” called black city officials she did not like “white supremacists in Blackface,” and had nothing but words of “the four-letter variety” after the US Supreme Court allowed for religious exemptions to the ObamaCare contraceptive mandate, now says that the very concept of time itself is … racially biased.
In an interview with NPR last week, Cooper said that the way we “position ourselves in relationship to time comes out of histories of European and Western thought”; in other words, “white people own time.”
Time has a history, and so do black people. But we treat time as though it is timeless, as though it has always been this way, as though it doesn’t have a political history bound up with the plunder of indigenous lands, the genocide of indigenous people and the stealing of Africans from their homeland. When white, male European philosophers first thought to conceptualize time and history, one famously declared, Africa is no historical part of the world. He was, essentially, saying that Africans were people outside of history who had had no impact on time or the march of progress. …
Now, we also see this idea that black people are people either alternately outside the bounds of time or stuck in the past in a scenario where, much as I’m doing right now, a black person stands up and insists that racism still matters, and a person – usually white – says to them, why are you stuck in the past?

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Back when “Hot Tub Time Machine” was released a black comedian questioned why a black person would ever get into a time machine. “When in history has it ever been better for black people than “right now?”
Word salad.
Pass the Caesar dressing, please.
So. Time is a white concept. It may explain why certain Protected Classes have a tendency not to honor appointments or to sho up at work (wait for it…) on time.
So, dear Prof….
Try paying your bills…..eventually, if ever, to include your income taxes. Tell us how that goes down!
I presume the dear Prof would have no “racist” objections to paychecks showing up, oh, ever other month or so, or maybe just NEVER to be TOTALLY NON-racist!
Lead by example, Dear Egghead!!
We’ll be eagerly awaiting your report.
Time = history = racism = white people bad
Complete gibberish.
Your calling it gibberish is, by its very nature., rac…. oh, forget it…
At least with Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies everybody knows what they’re getting. Like a bottle with a prominent POISON label, or a mystery package clearly labeled BOMB.
Imagine the damage someone like this could do if Affirmative Action forced them to put her in the Physics Dept.
It’s unfortunate that many colleges have instituted identity courses and departments like “Women’s and Gender Studies and Africana Studies.” These departments require no actual academic thought or background, and they exist mostly to declare how offended they are.
The purpose of these identity departments is simply virtue-signaling, and they work together with the “Diversity” establishment on campus to limit diversity of thought and free speech. As an academic, I am ashamed of the kind of nonsense that these people generate, and the way it echoes around their vapid journals.
For her to imply that black people can’t be on time or stick to a schedule is demeaning to all the black military, transportation, and other workers whose jobs depend on precise timing. I believe her remarks are racist in the extreme. They are derogatory toward both white people and black people.
“Let’s see…what’s racist this week?”
The professor just realized her major is torally useless and will never provide any financial support outside of a taxpayer funded check from a state university.
She would benefit in a workable time travel device to go back in time and enroll in a trade school and become a plumber.
Wonder what her salary in that school is? Apparently too much.
The professor just realized her major is totally useless and will never provide any financial support outside of a taxpayer funded check from a state university.
She would benefit in a workable time travel device to go back in time and enroll in a trade school and become a plumber.
Wonder what her salary in that school is? Apparently too much.
Most of her education is in the area of English. How she became an expert in time is beyond me. Certainly not uneducated looking for a cause in time?
Next up: Oxygen is racist.
Prof. Grievance Card should stage a protest of it and recruit as many of her disciples as possible.
This so-called professor is actually being paid by Rutgers? These students should sue the school for getting inferior, nonsensical claptrap from this moron.