City of Chicago Sues Jussie Smollett After Actor Fails to Reimburse City Costs to Investigate “False Police Report”
The complaint gives a step by step timeline and includes the numerous instances in which Smollett allegedly misled investigators and withheld pertinent information, like the fact that he knew his “attackers.”

Chicago is not done with Jussie Smollett. Now famous for allegedly staging a faux hate crime and then receiving reprieve under incredibly questionable circumstances, Smollett was sued by the City of Chicago Thursday after he failed to reimburse the city some $130,000 for police overtime spent investigating the attack.
Not only is the city seeking the $130,105.15 Smollett failed to pay, but are requesting, “$1,000 “for each false statement he made to the city, in addition to three times the amount of the damages that the city sustained, as well as litigation and collection costs, and attorneys’ fees.”
More from ABC Chicago:
The city of Chicago has filed a lawsuit against actor Jussie Smollett for the cost of the overtime Chicago police spent investigating an attack they say Smollett staged.
The City of Chicago’s Law Department filed the suit after Smollett failed to meet a city-demanded deadline to pay more than $130,000 into that allegedly staged attack.
City attorneys write in the suit, “Defendant knew his attackers and orchestrated the purported attack himself. Later, when police confronted him with evidence, he still refused to disclose his involvement.”
The lawsuit was filed in the Circuit Court of Cook County and seeks money “included, but not limited to $130,105.15.” The suit also asks Smollett be found liable to the city for $1,000 “for each false statement he made to the city, in addition to three times the amount of the damages that the city sustained, as well as litigation and collection costs, and attorneys’ fees.”
“They’ve got a case on the face of it,” said ABC7 Legal Analyst Gil Soffer. “Whether they win is a different story, but they’ve got a case.”
Soffer said through the process called discovery the public could see a lot.
“Lawyers for the city will get evidence that exists,” Soffer explained. “They’ll get tape recordings. They’ll get video surveillance, they’ll get phone records and they’ll take depositions. And transcripts will be made of those depositions. And then if it goes through to a trial we’ll see all of this come out in the open. You’ll see Jussie Smollett take the stand and testify.”
The city previously said it intended to file the suit, and Mayor Rahm Emanuel offered his suggestion for how Smollett should pay the city back.
“Given that he doesn’t feel any sense of contrition and remorse, my recommendation is that when he writes the check, in the memo section, he can put the words, ‘I’m accountable for the hoax,'” Mayor Rahm Emanuel said two weeks ago.
The complaint gives a step by step timeline and includes the numerous instances in which Smollett allegedly misled investigators and withheld pertinent information, like the fact that he knew his “attackers.”
Full complaint here:
City of Chicago v. Jussie Smollett by Legal Insurrection on Scribd

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And to think they didn’t let the governor get away with his golden ticket to appoint someone to the senate.
I guess that is White versus Black privilege made manifest.
Turf war. My money is on the City. Foxx only won the first fight. This is fun.
It will be interesting to see if the order to seal all information is essentially made moot by these lawsuits. The public needs to know all of the collected evidence that was so casually ignored in the sweetheart deal. Especially the folks in Chicago who have every right to know how well protected the are (or are not).
The discovery is the joy or horror of the civil litigation process, depending upon which end of the table you sit on.
Jusse will have to sit for a deposition, and testify should it get all the way to trial.
Never the crime, ALWAYS the coverup.
Keep the pressure on. Expose as much garbage that Smollett is involved in and as much garbage that you can get on the city’s dealings.
They all need several proverbial black eyes.
But what you probably don’t know is that Smollett isn’t just the exemplum perfectum of social justice and its insatiable appetite for lurid horror stories, real or imagined. He’s something more: The inevitable, gruesome, twenty-first century millennial product of a radical communist household. And this biographical revelation explains almost everything about how he looks at the world, and what led him to self-immolate in the way he did.
Intellectual history consists largely of showing who was talking to whom and tracing the effects of influential thinkers’ and activists’ ideas. Guess what? You can draw a straight line, through real people, from Herbert Marcuse to Jussie Smollett. It turns out that his mom was, and remains, best friends with Marcuse disciple Angela Davis, the Communist Party candidate for Vice President in 1980 and 1984.
And by Communist, we of course mean “Russia-backed”—not in the speculative wet-dream-CNN-Trump-scandal sense of being backed by Russia, but in the actual, bought-and-paid-for-by-red-devils sense of the phrase.
Ergo, Smollett’s connections and friends in high places with the juice to get his charges dropped.
Michelle Obama called didn’t she?
There is an intra-Party factional fight between different parts of the Democrat-Socialist Politburo going on here over who is going to run both Chicago and the national machine. Smollett is just the trigger.
I expect that the Obama faction that is in the ascendant will find a judge to dismiss the suit.
Subotai Bahadur
Do they have the brain power left in Chicago to pull it off?
The Jarrett/Obama Mob pulled out the smartest of dumb operatives 11 years ago so……..
“The Jarrett/Obama Mob pulled out the smartest of dumb operatives 11 years ago so……”
They got away with it because of the complicitness of the democrat and GOPe news media. Period.
The commie cat is out of the bag.
Jussie Smollett committed a cardinal sin in the eyes of the Chicago-Cook County political leadership. He cast the Progressive enclave of Chicagoland as a place of racial and homophobic bigotry. And, it was all a Big Lie. It was the ultimate dis for liberal/Progressives. Now, the leadership would have gone along with a guilty plea on one count with a small fine, community service and probation, with adjudication withheld. Jussie could have checked himself into some kind of rehab and it would all have been forgiven and forgotten. But, Kim Foxx is a radical liberal who either does not know how the game is played, or feels that she does not have to play by the rules. So, she simply gives Smollett a pass on the whole thing and he and his lawyers, also apparently unaware of how the game is played continue to publicly say that he did not commit the fraud at all. This is a further dis of calling the leadership of Chicagoland liars, publicly.
So, now a lesson must be taught. Jussie is going down. And, the City of Chicago is now asking for triple damages, which boosts the $130,000 to $400,000, plus legal fees and sundry expenses. If the City prevails, Jussie could end up on the hook for $500,000 to $750,000. It will all depend upon who gets seated as a jury. And, as this is Cook County, a jury would be assembled from a population which is 56% white and 26% black, with 19% being Hispanic. His only hope is that the incoming Mayoral administration has a change of heart.
I don’t think that Foxx did Smollett any real favor here.