Candace Owens Clashes with Democrats in Hate Crime Hearing

No one presents a greater threat to Democrats than members of identity groups who reject identity politics and embrace individual liberty and conservatism. Conservative women, gays, and black people are treated with open animosity by the left.

Candace Owens, a black woman who represents the conservative group Turning Point USA, appeared at a House hearing on hate crimes this week was subjected to open hostility from Democrats who tried to paint her as a white nationalist.

In her opening statement, Owens struck directly at the heart of the left’s narrative.

Here’s a partial transcript via Real Clear Politics:

CANDACE OWENS, TURNING POINT USA: Mr. Chairman, Ranking Member Mr. Collins thank you for having me here today. I received word on my way in that many of the journalist were confused as to why I was invited and none of them knew that I am myself was a victim of a hate crime when I was in high school. That is something that very few people know about me because the media and the journalists on the left are not interested in telling the truth about me because I don’t fit the stereotype of what they like to see in black people. I am a Democrat. I support the President of the United States and I advocate for things that are actually affecting the black community.I am honored to be here today in front of you all because the person sitting behind me is my 75-year-old grandfather. I have always considered myself to be my grandfather’s child and I mean to say that my sense of humor, my passion and my work ethic all comes from the man that is sitting behind me.My grandfather grew up on a sharecropping farm in the segregated South. He grew up in an America where words like racism and white nationalism held real meaning under the Democratic Party’s Jim Crow laws. My grandfather’s first job was given to him at the age of five years old and his job was to lay tobacco out to dry in an addict in the South. My grandfather has picked cotton and he has also had experiences with the Democrat terrorist organization of that time, the Ku Klux Klan. They would regularly visit his home and they would shoot bullets into it. They had an issue with his father, my great-grandfather.During my formative years I have the privilege of growing up in my grandfather’s home. It is going to shock the committee but not once, not in a single breath of a conversation did my grandfather and tell me that I could not do something because of my skin color.

You can view her opening statement below:

Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), who chaired this hearing, began by reading an excerpt of a column at the liberal Washington Post, characterizing Owens as a white nationalist:

Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), played an out of context clip of Owens talking about Hitler, in an obvious effort to smear her. Watch this to the end for her excellent response:

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post, which Rep. Nadler somehow saw fit to set the tone for this hearing, fell right into line with the left’s narrative in a column published last night:

Candace Owens’s presence turned a serious inquiry into a farce The new Democratic House majority held a hearing Tuesday on the rise of white nationalism, following the mosques massacre in New Zealand, the Pittsburgh synagogue killings and the deadly neo-Nazi march in Charlottesville.Republicans invited Candace Owens to testify.That would be the Candace Owens whom the alleged perpetrator of the New Zealand atrocity called “the person who has influenced me above all.” It’s not clear whether he was sincere in saying that, but perfectly clear was Owens’s glib dismissal of the notion that her words could have encouraged such evil: “LOL!” and “HAHA.” She said the American left tied her to the carnage because it feared her “Blexit” plan to have black people quit the Democratic Party.

This is a battle which is all about narrative heading into 2020. Democrats insist there are violent white nationalists around every corner, and that they have been emboldened by Trump’s presidency.

Anyone who disputes this will be marked for destruction, even a black woman.

Featured image via YouTube.

Tags: Conservatives, Democrats, House of Representatives