Beto Says His Big Charitable Contributions are Him Running for Office, Spending Time on the Road
We are so lucky to have him!

We learned from the 2020 Democrat primary presidential candidates who released their tax returns that they didn’t contribute a lot to charity.
Someone called out former Texas Rep. Robert O’Rourke’s meager donations. His response? His greatest charitable contribution is running for office.
Be Grateful for O’Rourke, America!
O’Rourke and his wife released 10 years of tax returns with 2017 the most recent. They made a combined $370,412 and only gave $1,166 to charity. (One-third of 1%)
He is in last place among the 2020 candidates when it comes to charities.
But fret not, everyone! The mighty O’Rourke has a completely valid explanation.
O’Rourke had a town hall at the University of Virginia the other day. One student asked why his family gave so little to charity while his sister, who made a lot less than him and his wife, gave a lot more to charity.
O’Rourke answered:
I served in public office since 2005. I do my best to contribute to the success of my community, my state, and now my country. There are ways that I do this that are measurable … There are charities that we donate to that we’ve recorded and itemized — others that we’ve donated to that we have not.
O’Rourke also said that him attending the town hall while also being on the road nonstop for the campaign is considered a charitable action (emphasis mine):
But I’ll tell you that I’m doing everything I can right now, spending this time with you, not with our kiddos, not back home in El Paso, because I want to sacrifice everything to make sure that we meet this moment of truth with everything we’ve got. So if you have not read those tax returns, they’re online now for your scrutiny. Just know this: I will continue to try to be as transparent and as forthcoming as I possibly can be in answering your questions and posting that financial information online.
Beto O’Rourke, tonight, when asked by a student why her sister donates more to charity than him ($1,166 in 2017) despite earning substantially less than his family:
— Vaughn Hillyard (@VaughnHillyard) April 17, 2019
In other words, we should be grateful to have O’Rourke in public office since 2005 and in the 2020 presidential race. We are SO lucky!
The arrogance of this man boggles my mind. How many people heard of him before he launched his senate race against Sen. Ted Cruz? Despite the support from Hollywood and sports athletes, Cruz still won. (Gee, that sounds familiar, doesn’t it? You know, November 2016!)
Other 2020 Candidates
As I said, O’Rourke gave the least to charity than the other 2020 candidates. However, the others shouldn’t boast.
Then again, is this shocking? The Democrats love government and think it should supply everything for everyone. The Washington Post provided the following data.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his wife made $566,000 in 2017. They only gave $19,000 to charity. (3.4%)
Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her husband earned $1.9 million in 2018, but only gave $27,000 to charity. (1.4%) She also did not report any charity contributions “during her first three years as California’s attorney general.” She married her husband Doug Emhoff in 2014. In their first year of marriage, “they filed jointly, Harris and Emhoff — a partner at the law firm DLA Piper — reported giving $60,000 to charity. Their giving dropped off to between $18,000 to $37,000 in the years that followed.”
Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and her husband earned $338,500 in 2018. They gave $6,600 to charity. (under 2%)
Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) and her husband gave $3,750 to charity in 2018 even though they earned $215,000. (Under 2%)
Gov. Jay Inslee (D-WA) and his wife gave $8,295 to charity in 2018 after they earned $203,000. (4%)
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) came out on top since she and her husband gave $50,000 to charity in 2018 with an income of $906,000. (5.5%)
Look at those numbers. Remember Mitt Romney? His tax returns in 2012 showed that he and his wife Ann donated $4 million dollars to charity after they earned $13.7 million. That’s 29.4%.

Donations tax deductible
to the full extent allowed by law.
Two things are for certain:
1. If O’Rourke were a Republican this would be lampooned 24/7 in the media.
2. This won’t cost him a single vote.
Beto should go to Flint Michigan with a pick and shovel and show Flint’s corrupt mayor how to dig up old lead water service lines. Both of these clowns are POS.
Is Robert Francis O’Rouke PULLING a NANCY?
(Pelosi that is.)
How did Pelosi save $26.4 Million dollars on a government employee’s paycheck?????
See link.
So if Robert Francis O’Rourke’s “charitable donation” is running for office (in lieu of his making charitable donations to actual charities), then why did his campaign pay over one hundred thousand dollars to a company owned by Robert Francis and his mega-rich wife?
If his running for office is his “charitable donation,” then why is he making money from it? Unless you’re the Clintons, “charitable” giving isn’t supposed to be a money-making operation.
Good call, Beto.
Sander’s contributions are increased by those of others. He simply adds them to his.
Omar’s contribution was marrying her brother.
Clinton made a large donation of her foundation money to Chelsea’s wedding.
Warren’s generosity is reflected in her contribution to the Cherokee cookbook, revealing an ancient crab dip recipe from her ancestors when they still lived on the Georgia shore.
Oh, so in Trumpian-fashion he donated his federal paycheck to charities when he was a Congressman, is that was he’s saying?
He’s just another grifter.
If they even think they are going to run for another office, you would think that these candidates would increase their giving since it is a number that is always looked at by the media.
Aren’t we blessed
He must of fallen off his skateboard and hit his tiny little brain real hard
Here’s where Beto went to prep school. Pobrecito!
Beto’s Prep School
There aren’t many whites who can claim to be beneficiaries of “white privilege” (less than 1%), but Beto certainly can. Wealthy, well-connected parents, boarding school that currently costs $60k, Ivy League, married billionaire’s daughter.
Trump is looking at this guy and hoping he’s the one.
No ego there, right Beta?
Time to revisit O’Keefe’s videotapes in Beto’s office – “other people’s money”
$1166…. so he’s probably not donating to his church or the basic parent thing at his kids’ schools either
Fun thought – El Paso is a nearly continual charity event year round, wonder how many events, openings, dinners and galas he’s appeared at to “be seen” on comped tickets.
Funny, why hasn’t he released his business records too?
Does anyone have a link for the actual docs? I think there’s much more fun to be had with Beto’s returns since I’m going to bet he had income from several K-1’s. That’s where the goodies ought to be found.
We have the grifter leaders and the volunteer chumps. The leadership almost always behave the same way. Entitled. They always infer that the time they spend on their own behalf/cause IS an in-kind money donation in itself. By the way, this sort of hubris/entitlement is part of the poltical and charitable giving culture. Anyone who has volunteered more than once knows exactly what I’m talking about.
Guarantee you that every government position he’s ever held has also come with a hefty 6 figure salary (and benefits).
One dies not work for “The Man” out if the goodness of their heart while also taking “The Man’s” money!
Further posit; you would have to be really charitable to call many of the orgs they did donate to charities rather than liberal campaign orgs with a faux charity facing.
it’s more important for the left to virtue signal and/or use the power of government to fulfill any charitable yearnings because it’s really hard to put your money where your mouth is, at least for democrats. And they probably do think their participation in the system is some priceless gift. Beta’s hubris rivals Obama’s.
Aren’t we so lucky to have such BAFFOONS wanting to run(ruin) our lives & country for US? How on earth did we survive W/O such fantastic minds like this 0ne an the others that come to mind like AOC TW?T? What useless sophomoric TWITS! IMO. An other TWITS vote for these DOLTS?
You gotta be freakin’ kidding me.
Meanwhile in the rest of America … I know of lots of people, myself included … that volunteer both time and money doing volunteer and charitable work in our communities.
This Beto guy isn’t doing jack shit except stroking his ego and feeding us a line of BS so he can further his own interests.