Ball State Offers ‘Rape Culture’ Course Students Can Substitute for Other Requirements

This sounds like an option to pick up an “easy A” as they call it.

Campus Reform reports:

Ball State lets students swap traditional classes for #MeToo immersionBall State University will offer a 15-credit hour class during the fall 2019 semester, titled “Rape Culture in the Age of #MeToo,” which students can then substitute for similar courses they need to graduate.The course, which is being offered through the Virginia B. Ball Center for Creative Inquiry, is titled “Rape Culture in the Age of #MeToo.” The course will be taught by English Professor Jill Christman and coursework will consist of two main components. Christman told Campus Reform Tuesday that the types of courses students are able to substitute with the #MeToo course vary.For example, a student may choose to fill all of their required electives with the 15 credit hours, or an English major may choose to swap out an essay writing course. Other students, for example, such as accounting majors, may have fewer choices when it comes to the #MeToo course, since, “we’re not going to be doing any accounting,” according to Christman.What students will do, according to the course description, is “collect stories of rape culture on campus in order to produce a pilot podcast that synthesizes and contextualizes these narratives.” Students will also “create a report of their findings for presentation at the 2020 Midwest Safety Summit, and produce a set of stories that will be archived and made available on their community partner’s website.”

Tags: #MeToo, College Insurrection, rape culture