Antifa and Other Leftists Threaten Upcoming Candace Owens Event at U. Pennsylvania
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Antifa and Other Leftists Threaten Upcoming Candace Owens Event at U. Pennsylvania

Antifa and Other Leftists Threaten Upcoming Candace Owens Event at U. Pennsylvania

“The UPenn Statesman was made aware of some not-so-veiled threats”

White Democrats react angrily to the idea of a black female entering a school. History repeats itself.

The College Fix reports:

Antifa, others threaten Candace Owens event at U. Pennsylvania

Turning Point USA’s Candace Owens is scheduled to speak at the University of Pennsylvania on Monday April 15, and as expected, radicals have their collective panties in a bunch about it.

The UPenn Statesman was made aware of some not-so-veiled threats regarding the event, including one which says “I’m not saying anyone should throw water or eggs at her for speaking, but Walmart does sell coyote urine in a bottle and Balloons [sic] …”


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They hate her so much they think it’s okay to lie about her. If that seems wrong to you, you’re not a liberal.

It’s been a while since the Antifa threw one of their temper tantrums – I mean held a “peaceful protest.”
I guess they’re itching to bust some windows.
All in the name of freedom or justice or something…