American press more concerned about avocado shortage than invasion

We have been covering the migrant caravans and the immigrant invasion supported by social justice activists for many months.

After the recent launch of the largest of these caravans from Central America, President Donald Trump is now threatening to close the southern border with Mexico.

In remarks from the Oval Office, Mr. Trump reiterated his threat to shut the border if Mexico, America’s third largest trading partner, cannot restrict a flow of asylum seekers trying to cross into the United States. But the president’s economic team, concerned about the damage from such a move, said it was looking for ways to limit the fallout if Mr. Trump does do so.“Sure, it’s going to have a negative impact on the economy,” Mr. Trump said, adding, “but security is most important.”“Security is more important to me than trade,” he said.

It is quite clear to most Americans  prefer security over  trade, so Trump’s priorities are correct.

However, it appears that our press is more concerned about their specialty salads and sandwiches. The focus of many reports on the impending closure center on the potential of shortages of that life-essential food substance, the avocado.

Speaking to Reuters, Steve Barnard, president and chief executive of Mission Produce, the largest distributor and grower of avocados in the world, said Americans would run out of avocados in three weeks if imports from Mexico were stopped.Last week, Trump said here was a “very good likelihood” he would close the border if Mexico did not stop migrants from reaching the United States.The U.S. imports about $137 billion in food through the border with Mexico, and that includes about 90 percent of the imported avocados purchased by American consumers.

Other fruits and vegetables could be impacted as well.

…Fresh tomatoes, peppers, melons and eggplant for the whole country would soon be in short supply.”Probably over half of what most consumers put in their shopping bag when it comes to fresh produce, they would find reduced quantities and higher prices,” said Lance Jungmeyer, president of the Fresh Produce Association of the Americas.

Given the fact that there is wave-after-wave of immigrants crashing the border and either illegally entering or manipulating the asylum rules for entry, I think I can live on canned fruits and vegetables. The chronic failure of our national legislature to address illegal immigration, its costs on domestic security and the economy, and its danger to public health has created a slow-stream invasion that must be stopped.

I suspect most Americans outside of the Beltway and Left Coast can live without avocados as well. Perhaps some Legal Insurrection readers may have been old enough to have lived through the rationing of World War II.

Rationing regulated the amount of commodities that consumers could obtain. Sugar rationing took effect in May 1943 with the distribution of “Sugar Buying Cards.” Registration usually took place in local schools. Each family was asked to send only one member for registration and be prepared to describe all other family members. Coupons were distributed based on family size, and the coupon book allowed the holder to buy a specified amount. Possession of a coupon book did not guarantee that sugar would be available. Americans learned to utilize what they had during rationing time.While some food items were scarce, others did not require rationing, and Americans adjusted accordingly. “Red Stamp” rationing covered all meats, butter, fat, and oils, and with some exceptions, cheese. Each person was allowed a certain amount of points weekly with expiration dates to consider. “Blue Stamp” rationing covered canned, bottled, frozen fruits and vegetables, plus juices and dry beans, and such processed foods as soups, baby food and ketchup. Ration stamps became a kind of currency with each family being issued a “War Ration Book.” Each stamp authorized a purchase of rationed goods in the quantity and time designated, and the book guaranteed each family its fair share of goods made scarce, thanks to the war.

I can hardly imagine today’s press covering Pearl Harbor or D-Day, if it is already fainting over no avocados.

Tags: Border Crisis, Mexico, Trump Immigration