Students File Class-Action Lawsuit Over College Admissions Scandal

This scandal is going to be so bad for higher education. We’re only at the beginning, and I fear it’s going to get so much worse.

USA Today reports:

2 Stanford students file first class-action suit in largest college admissions scamTwo Stanford University students are suing the University of Southern California, Yale, the University of California Los Angeles and other institutions in a class-action lawsuit over a massive admissions cheating case involving affluent parents suspected of paying bribes to get their kids into top schools.But the chances of the defendants prevailing might be difficult, experts say.In the federal complaint, Erica Olsen and Kalea Woods say they were denied a fair opportunity to gain admission to their choice of a top college, and that their Stanford degrees were devalued by criminal racketeering charges leveled by federal prosecutors.Olsen, from Henderson, Nevada, said she had “stellar” standardized test scores and athletic talent, but was rejected by Yale after paying her roughly $85 application fee.”Had she known that the system at Yale University was warped and rigged by fraud, she would not have spent the money to apply to the school,” the lawsuit states. “She also did not receive what she paid for – a fair admissions consideration process.”Woods, from San Diego, said in the complaint that she was an exceptional student and athlete, but when applying to enter the University of Southern California “was never informed that the process of admission at USC was an unfair, rigged process, in which parents could buy their way into the university through bribery and dishonest schemes.”

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