Students at U. Iowa Hold Rally to Ask ‘Does the University love us?’

It sounds like these students want the school to act as a parent. It says a lot about how the left views government.

The College Fix reports:

University of Iowa student rally asks: ‘Does the university love us?’Students at the University of Iowa gathered Thursday afternoon commemorating the hashtag banner “#DoesUIowaLoveMe” and to relate stories of how the university doesn’t make them feel “welcome.”Approximately 100 students and staff were in attendance, although some 600 had expressed interest in attending via the event’s Facebook page.According to The Daily Iowan, the hashtag campaign began Monday evening and now has over 1,000 tweets and Instagram posts which detail concerns “ranging from racial discrimination to issues revolving around xenophobia, homophobia, and white privilege.”A gay speaker at the rally told of how his straight roommate wanted to move out. He said, “If you were straight and I was the gay one, you would understand.” Another was rather vague, saying he thinks UI is a “diverse community,” but that diversity “is not being recognized or advocated for.”A Native American student claimed he was told he “couldn’t go” to U. Iowa because he is Native. He doesn’t say just who told him this.On Twitter under the #DoesUIowaLoveMe hashtag, some of the anecdotes are rather eye-roll-inducing. One tweet says “Border patrol @ the job fair? I’m not racist but…” Another believes making a popular contemporary political statement is “hateful” and “hurtful” (she needs a quick refresher on constitutional rights at public institutions):

Tags: College Insurrection, Iowa