Pentagon Finds $12.8 Billion to Fund Trump’s Border Wall

The Department of Defense has released a 20-page spreadsheet of military projects that have more funds than needed, which means adds up to $12.8 billion for President Donald Trump’s border wall.

From The Washington Examiner:

The Pentagon’s list said it has found possible funding sources that are “in excess of the amount needed.”—But it’s not clear which projects the Defense Department will draw from. Some states that have been allocated big chunks of money that haven’t been spent could see a hit.California, for example, was identified as having more than $700 million in unused Army and Navy military construction that could be used. Hawaii has more than $400 million that could be used.More than $200 million in similar funding allocated for Hawaii, Maine, New York, North Carolina, Guam, Germany, Guam, and Guantanamo Bay Cuba are also on the list.

The Pentagon stated:

To identify the potential pool of sources of military construction funds, DoD will apply the following criteria:• No military construction projects that already have been awarded, and no military construction projects with FY 2019 award dates will be impacted.• No military housing, barracks, or dormitory projects will be impacted.• The pool of potential military construction projects from which funding could be reallocated to support the construction of border barrier are solely projects with award dates after September 30, 2019.For comprehensiveness, attached is a complete pool of all projects that were unawarded as of December 31, 2018. Once the above criteria is applied, the pool has a total value that is in excess of the amount needed to source potential section 2808 projects. The appearance of any project within the pool does not mean that the project will, in fact, be used to source section 2808 projects.

Trump wants $3.6 billion for border wall construction.

Trump declared a national emergency at the border last month when Congress agreed only to give him $1.4 billion. Congress attempted to stop this declaration, but Trump vetoed their resolution. Congress more than likely do not have the votes to override the veto.

Sen. Jack Reed (D-RI), ranking member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, hopes this spreadsheet will convince his colleagues to vote to override Trump’s veto.

I mean, did Reed actually read what the Pentagon wrote? These are projects that appear to have been rewarded with too much money.

The spokesperson for Sen. Jim Inhofe (R-OK), who chairs the Armed Services committee, countered Reed’s concerns. She reminded people that the spreadsheet “is not a list of projects that will definitively be impacted” and that the senator will work with the Pentagon to figure out which ones to pick “without negatively affecting any military construction projects.”

Tags: Border Crisis, Trump Immigration