Kansas House of Representatives Passes Bill Which Would Expand Campus Carry Rights

The bill not only lowers the age for who can carry but also recognizes permits from out of state.

Campus Reform reports:

Kansas lawmakers pass a bill that’s sure to trigger gun control advocatesThe Kansas House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday that would expand the number of college students who are legally able to carry concealed firearms on state public campuses.House Bill 2326 would lower the concealed carry age in the state from 21 to 18, as well as recognize out-of-state concealed carry permits held by individuals under 21 years of age, according to The Kansas City Star.Kansas Republican Rep. Tory Arnberger, a member of the Committee on Federal and State Affairs, the committee that sponsored the bill, told Campus Reform that she was “in favor [of] the amendment to the bill which expanded the conceal carry rights of Kansans to begin at age 18.” Travis Couture-Lovelady, the NRA State Director for Kansas, praised the passage of the bill while speaking with Campus Reform.“HB 2326 is important because it would make sure Kansas recognizes those students from out of state under the age of 21 with permits from their home state,” he said. “But, more importantly, it also gives Kansans that are 18, 19, and 20 the ability to get a permit and carry concealed. This makes sure out-of-state students do not have more rights than Kansans.”Students aged 21 and older have been able to carry concealed handguns on campus since a campus carry law was implemented in July of 2017.

Tags: 2nd Amendment, College Insurrection, Gun Control, Kansas