Hofstra University Students Renew Effort to Remove Thomas Jefferson Statue From Campus
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Hofstra University Students Renew Effort to Remove Thomas Jefferson Statue From Campus

Hofstra University Students Renew Effort to Remove Thomas Jefferson Statue From Campus

“it is about what the statue represents”


Here we go again. The school refused to do this last year, but the students aren’t taking no for an answer.

Campus Reform reports:

Founding Fathers under attack: Students demand Thomas Jefferson statue removal

Students at Hofstra University protested a statue of Thomas Jefferson on Friday at the second annual event, titled “Jefferson Has Gotta Go!”

The statue has been the center of controversy on the campus and has been defaced with “DECOLONIZE” and “Black Lives Matter” signs and stickers. According to a media advisory sent by the Jefferson Has Gotta Go (JGG) campaign, the protest was held outside Hofstra Breslin Hall at the statue. Organizers included “students of Hofstra University, staff from Planned Parenthood of Nassau County, and supporters of Hempstead community.”

The group gathered on campus to “expose the culture of bias and discrimination,” as stated in the media advisory, and to demand “the statue of Thomas Jefferson is removed.”

Hofstra College Democrats “want the statue to be removed and [we] stand with the Jefferson Has Gotta Go Campaign,” the group’s president, Brynne Levine, told Campus Reform.

Former College Democrats executive board member Miranda Pino also professed her support.

“JGG isn’t just about a statue,” she told Campus Reform. “Yes, the removal of the statue is important, but it is about what the statue represents: a legacy of racism and bigotry on college campuses.”


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Let’s all sing along with the SJWs —

Don’t (want to ) know much about history…

Or anything else, for that matter, that nudges their fragile worldviews off of the constant hair-on-fire state of emotional meltdown, fed by the selective (and usually deliberate) ignorance of WHO is the usual “villain” in their current witch hunts.

True acolytes of Taliban-like destruction of history that threatens their frail psyches.