FLASHBACK: When the media was in love with Avenatti, a supercut
“Yes, you are something of a folk hero now. Let’s be honest, the whole reason that we’re in love with you and Stormy is because we think you guys are the tip of the spear that’s going to take down Donald Trump.” — Bill Maher

Before Avenatti was facing charges for embezzelment and dealing with a hefty IRS bill (and investigation), he charmed the media in his role as wanna be Trump foil.
Seems like only yesterday they were fawning over Avenatti, talking about him as a serious 2020 contender, and here’s the supercut to prove it:
And the transcript:
ANNOUNCER: “Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti is laying down the law. And is he really thinking about running for president?”
SCIUTTO: “Joining me now live, the man himself, Michael Avenatti.”
CUOMO: “Let’s talk to somebody who understands the system very well, Michael Avenatti.”
MAHER: “He is Donald Trump’s worst nightmare, Michael Avenatti!”
CAMEROTA: “Michael, thanks so much for being here.”
AVENATTI: “Good morning.”
CAMEROTA: “Did you talk to Stormy Daniels last night? What was her reaction?”
SCIUTTO: ‘Did the President just get a new challenger for 2020? Stormy Daniels’ lawyer Michael Avenatti may have just tossed his hat into the ring.”
STELTER: “Looking at the 2020, one reason why I’m taking you seriously as a contender is because of your presence on cable news.”
BUTLER: “First, let me take a moment to brag on my former student. This dude right here, I think of him as in a Justice League with Robert Muller to save our democracy.”
BURNETT: “A nine-year-old boy has been reunited with his mother in Guatemala. And the person who helped make this happen? Stormy Daniels’ lawyer and potential presidential candidate, Michael Avenatti.”
REPORTER: “What do you say to critics who say this is a publicity stunt?”
AVENATTI: “Doing good work, having kids reunited with their parents — I mean, my record speaks for itself.”
COLLINS: “Probably one of the biggest stars we have at this dinner tonight, of course, this is Michael Avenatti.”
BEHAR: “And the only person right here Donald Trump fears more than Robert Miller — Mueller — please welcome Michael Avenatti. I do think that Trump is afraid of you.”
COLBERT: “Lawyers don’t normally do talk shows.”
AVENATTI: “I’m not your normal lawyer.”
MAHER: “Yes, you are something of a folk hero now. Let’s be honest, the whole reason that we’re in love with you and Stormy is because we think you guys are the tip of the spear that’s going to take down Donald Trump.”

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I think someone offered to fix his financial troubles if he was successful.
Luck of the Jussie.
That said, now that Avenatti is no longer politically congruent (“=”), maybe Nike can stand for civil rights, stand for human rights, and honor the Americans who took a stand and sacrificed their lives and treasure to end slavery, who took a stand to confront diversity (i.e. color judgments), and who today stand in the light to oppose the Twilight’s progress, defying the journolistic effort, special and peculiar interests, to suppress their voice and color their cause (e.g. Covington Affair).
Just what was going on within the Smollett family?
Three siblings that I have heard of – Jussie, Journee, and Jazz.
Did someone lose all the Scrabble tiles but for the letter ‘J’ when choosing initials?
I imagine that the forgotten child of the brood was named ‘Justice’.
It’s not uncommon for families to do that.
So what was wrong with Jeff, Julie, and Jennifer?
George Foreman has 12 children (one daughter now sadly deceased) Among them are George Jr., George III, George IV, George V, George VI, and Georgetta.
Perfidious Media. They nearly pulled off a coup. And having been caught red handed? Merely sneer at the filthy rural serfs and wave their hand in curt dismissal. Be gone, foul peasants! (Except the brown serf-class since they need them around to muck the scullery and perform other rough service).
They actually think that they can continue doing this sort of thing with no repercussion. That the insular lifestyle they’re living will simply continue on for ever and ever. Well, it won’t. And those brown peasants? They’ll have them strung-up like so many cut-out dolls on NYC’s equivalent of France’s Avenue des Champs-Élysées.
Avenatti turns out to have been a pretty good Rorschach test for media member’s own moral compass. It wasn’t difficult for people like Tucker Carlton to see through him instantly – a sleazy conman who’s figured out that he’s gonna get paid for saying outrageous things, and that his target audience wants him to go all the way over the top. It’s fair to say that anyone who couldn’t see through him, especially after the Kavanaugh fiasco where he tried to push fraudulent testimony that even his own side had to disavow, has some serious internal moral problems.
I think most of us have seen plenty of grifters like him over the years, there’s always one around. And if you followed some of Avenatti’s interactions on the net that didn’t get so public, it was clear that he had become seriously deranged. (personally, myself and others see all the hallmarks of a severe meth/coke habit in his words, his actions, and his demeanor)
Thanks for this. Reminds me that when things look bad and you’re enemy looks like they’re going to soon dance on your grave, that it ain’t over til it’s over.
This pimple who was so arrogant and charming is now about to have to deal with some real lawyers with big money behind them and lots and lots of time on their hands.
Not that I’d wish any one ill. Or at least not anymore than they wished for me.
Aventti is an example of someone you should do onto them as they would you, but do it first. I am pleased to see Aventti is finally getting what he deserves.
I’ll wait until he does get what he deserves.
If the Fairy Godmother Department can rescue a bottom-feeder like Smollett, it can rescue another one like Avenatti, too.
Avenatti’s a little bit too pasty white for any of today’s fairy godmothers to come to his rescue. Although if you put it that way, he might find a few fairy godfathers once he gets to prison.
Don Jr:
What’s nice about this week is that it went from “Avenatti 2020” to “Avenatti 20-25.”
Let’s not forget this other moron, Joy Behar:
“Joy Behar, Who Gushed Avenatti Would ‘Save the Country…”