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Branco Cartoon – A-OK

Branco Cartoon – A-OK

It’s her party now

For more A.F.Branco cartoons at Legal Insurrection click here.


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legacyrepublican | March 4, 2019 at 9:06 am

Brilliant. But, I wish you could add a balloon to Pelosi that says ….

I’ve been Astro Turded!

But, Pelosi won’t admit that yet.


Bitterlyclinging | March 4, 2019 at 10:08 am

Just remember that “Shut up! I’m the boss!” Ocasio Cortez is cut from the same bolt of cloth as the folks whom shot the Czar, the Czarina, and their children, then threw their bodies down that Siberian well.
She and her Democratic colleagues need to be regarded with the same degree of kindness and respect.

You can’t tell me that Pelosi and the rest of the Senior Dem Mafioso can’t knife Cortez in the back if they really wanted to. She’s around because they want her around. If Cortez’s ideas are popular with the Dems, then the Mafioso will Co-opt. If it is not looking good, Cortez will be thrown down the figurative well.

I’d love to be there to see her reaction, when Pelosi sees this cartoon for the first time.

Gidget does not have the brains to manipulate Pelosi (she’s as much a puppet as Odumbo), but this really must be gall Pelosi.

Hopefully, they will wreak as much destruction upon each other as they are wreaking upon our nation.

clayusmcret | March 5, 2019 at 6:42 am

Pelosi only cares about being on top. Who holds her up there is of no importance. Strings, props, etc., are of no concern…she’s happy that she’s on top.

Infanticide: “It’s for the children.”