Trump SOTU Address: “Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will NEVER be a socialist country”
“No issue better illustrates the divide between America’s working-class and America’s political class than illegal immigration. Wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders, while living their lives behind walls and gates and guards.”

Quick Reaction now that speech concluded:
It was an excellent speech and performance. The content struck home on many fronts, and he rattled off all his accomplishments without the media distorted filter. This was the most effective inclusion of guests I’ve seen, including the Holocaust survivor and the American soldier who rescued him, seated side-by-side, was particularly emotional. All and all, as good as it gets.
Money quotes:
No issue better illustrates the divide between America’s working-class and America’s political class than illegal immigration. Wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders, while living their lives behind walls and gates and guards.
* * *
Here, in the United States, we are alarmed by new calls to adopt socialism in our country.
America was founded on liberty and independence — not government coercion, domination and control.
We are BORN FREE, and we will STAY FREE.
Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will NEVER be a socialist country.
* * *
There could be no greater contrast to the beautiful image of a mother holding her infant child than the chilling displays our nation saw in recent days.
Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth.
These are living, feeling, beautiful, babies who will never get the chance to share their love and dreams with the world.
And then, we had the case of the Governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth.
To defend the dignity of every person, I am asking Congress to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children who can feel pain in the mother’s womb.
Watch live:
The White House has been somewhat closed chested about Trump’s speech (per usual for most administrations), but here’s what we know. From The Daily Caller:
President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address Tuesday night will review the apparent accomplishments of his past two years in office and include an appeal to Congress to act on issues of immigration, trade, infrastructure and prescription drug pricing, two sources briefed on the matter tell The Daily Caller.
Trump’s address will have a theme of “Choosing Greatness” and will also feature a prolonged review of the administration’s foreign policy achievements and vision, spanning North Korea, Venezuela, the Islamic Republican of Iran, the fight against the Islamic State, the U.S. presence in Syria and the future of the U.S. role in Afghanistan.
One official briefed on the speech said Trump is also likely to deride recent Democratic state legislative efforts to pass late-term abortion legislation and appeared particularly animated about the topic at a White House meeting Monday afternoon.
One official briefed on the speech said Trump is also likely to deride recent Democratic state legislative efforts to pass late-term abortion legislation and appeared particularly animated about the topic at a White House meeting Monday afternoon.
There will be several special guests in attendance, including a sixth-grade boy who’s been bullied for his last name.
One of the President’s #SOTU guests will be Joshua Trump who has been bullied because of his last name.
— Debra J. Saunders (@debrajsaunders) February 5, 2019
The White House’s full guest list is here.

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Where is RBG?
Probably still at the taxidermist’s.
Why, she looks almost life like…..
Pelosi’s lips-sucking-a-lemon face & paper-pilfering was graceless & petulant. Ditto the white straight-jacket clad FemiNazi 3ring circus. Elections are no longer DvR, nor lib v conserv… It’s come down to ever-offended, bratty children America-sucks crowd v Patriotic, common sense adults.
I wouldn’t have put it passed the Dems to pull a Weekend-At-Bernies caper wth RBG propped up in a chair wearing shades.
Anything but allow MrT to replace the old socialist RBG with ACB.
When the President reached fo Nancy’s Hand she presented in such a way that she expected him to Kiss it!
And what a stark contrast in dignity & grace between Ants-In-NancyPants Pelosi vs the non-distracting, calm demeanor of Mr Pence.
They say ‘a cluttered desktop means a cluttered mind’.
I suspect Nancy’s desktop is empty.
A clean desk is the sign of someone with not enough work to do!
This is funny. But I have to say that what’s more funny are the puritanical downvotes. (Oh, how dare you, this is something – along with the 15 bazillion other things that we do not joke about – that we can no longer joke about!)
I hope they were mistaken downvotes. Who knows. This country is full of so many killjoys it is ridiculous.
PC sucks.
Especially GOPe PC…….
Rages must be lurking…..
likely on a ventilator, in an over-pressured, HEPA filtered room, where they are desperately trying to avoid her catching pneumonia, while, at the same time, avoiding the usual brain death and/or organ failure that comes with a patient being on a vent for long periods of time.
. . . while they applaud infanticide . . .
According to the Washington Post she was healthy enough to go to the theatre the night before, so she should be back at work today
But now there’s some video of that theater event and, guess what, RBG is nowhere to be seen in the audience!
Cause she wasn’t there!
What is in front of Pelosi? A selection of cocktails?
All those Democrat women dressed in white as “suffragettes”? Nope. If they are reaching back in their history, then those women are the ladies auxiliary of the KKK.
If Twitter is any indication, the #WomenInWhite symbolism is an epic failure. If these ladies are following social media in their seats, the sour looks on their faces are probably the result of the mocking and memes now being generated.
They’re clearly celebrating the KKK in honor of VA Governor.
President Trump should have told them they forgot their white hats! LOL
I wouldn’t call it an “epic” failure. The camera seemed to focus on the group often, making it easy to pick out our congresspersons and see their reactions. Since they were over the top when he brought up women in Congress, and dour when pure American points were made, the memes that are coming should be very good.
MORE WINNING!!!!!!!!!!!!
They were creepy as hell. They looked like members of a cult. Pelosi’s Handmaidens. I can see them on the steps of the Capitol shaking down tourists for spare change.
The dems showed how truly ignorant and lacking in self-awareness they are. They probably aren’t even aware of the Ladies In White protest movement in Cuba. Women who weekly risk beatings and arrest to protest the authoritarian communist government which runs their country. These hags in the House of Representatives wish to bring that form of government to our country. Priceless Irony.
I am strangely fascinated by Nancy’s oral fixation – not enough glue for the dentures?
A horrible fascination. She also looked like she was going to develop an eye twitch after some of Pres. Trump ‘s comments.
Dennis Miller’s classic comment years ago was that she was sending signals like she was in the Hanoi Hilton.
Nancy’s persistent gumming – an oral tick – flashes a neon sign: dementia.
Not craving that next drink?
The actual speech, not the yammering of Fox for an hour:
Many thanks. I missed it real-time, and this was a very good cut.
Where’s the “live broadcast”?
I am getting off the site live. I am sure all major networks will have it.
Actually, via an Android ROKU app, sorry for the mistake.
Was that Sister AOC ?
I thought it was to show solidarity with the Little Sisters of the Poor, challenging Obamacare.
I mean, they look like nuns. Who wears white before Memorial Day ?
Did you see her giving a high 5 to the air?
Watching that made me wonder how popular she actually is with her fellows…
When she was excitedly huddling with her fellow freshmen in white, they looked a lot like High School girls. They behaved a lot like High School girls as well.
“Tonight, we renew our resolve that America will NEVER be a socialist country.”
Good that he might say that. But if our uninformed electorate continue to elect Democrats, that is one hollow resolve. In one generation it can be lost. Even today so much of Marx’s Manifesto has found its ways in our laws. If our Constitution were followed to the letter fedgov would be one-tenth its present size.
Yes, and we’ll have to quickly save our education system and eliminate the anti-Americanism being pushed.
Trumps speech was about America.
Abrams’ speech is about Abrams.
Sure looks like a “winning” strategy.
Couldn’t watch more than a few minutes of that phony, gap-toothed Alfred E. Neumanoid.
Her fake smiles were painful – and her microexpressions glared.
Paul Ekman would have a field day.
Pelosi looks like she swallowed a sour lemon almost the whole time. Like she is not hearing what she expected to hear, and she doesn’t like it!
Is that why she kept going back to that sheaf of papers (presumably a copy of Trump’s prepared text)?
“Wait, I didn’t see THAT line in there. Maybe it’s on this page. No…not this one either. That SOB is pulling a fast one on us again!”
My two observations:
1) Trump’s SotU was designed to go as long as possible, to push the Democrat response late. Speaker Pelosi looked more and more perturbed the longer the SotU went. There was a moment she picked the documents, the transcript of the speech, because the thought probably occurred to her “how much longer is there to this speech?”
2) Bernie’s sour look when Trump declared “America will never be a socialist country!” The point of that is to drive the Left nuts going into their primary season a year from now. Trump wants the Dems to nominate an extremist. Push them into another McGovern moment.
Give Trump credit for keeping the SOTU address in the house despite the Pelosi antics, where it has the greatest impact.
Didn’t watch it because I lost the willpower to watch these things in the previous century, but I like the highlights I read about.
Thank you Prof. Jacobson for doing the job this American will not do.
It was quite good, had a couple of funny moments, a couple of moving moments. “Happy Birthday” being sung to an 81 year old Holocaust survivor.
Watching Dems look around to see if they should clap was pathetic yet illuminating at the same time.
I’m sure you are not the only person who no longer watches these shows. The content will be raked over like windrows of hay being dried (even more actually).
I’ve made a point of watching the SOTUs and other major Presidential speeches since at least the first Bush administration. There is no other way to figure out what the hell the man said. Bits and pieces of argument over tiny clips just doesn’t do it for me, especially since the Washington Post and New York Times have expanded into outright lies in their reporting.
So, I am grateful for c-span and UTube and the kindness of strangers who post the links. This was a long one, covering a lot of territory, reminiscent of a Clinton SOTU. We have a lot on our plates.
The difference in guests between Republican and Democrat is like night and day!
On the left are a collection of don’t bars, racists and more racists. The kind of people you would let tour children be around without armed guards.
The irony of the Baizuo
Baizuo (… literally “white left”) is a derogatory Chinese neologism used to refer to Western leftist liberal elites. … the term is defined as referring to those who are hypocritically obsessed with political correctness in order to satisfy their own feeling of moral superiority motivated from an ignorant and arrogant Western-centric worldview who pity the rest of the world and think they are saviours.