UC Berkeley Prof Compares White Women Who Support Trump to Slave Owners
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UC Berkeley Prof Compares White Women Who Support Trump to Slave Owners

UC Berkeley Prof Compares White Women Who Support Trump to Slave Owners

“embracing, ultimately, white supremacy”

Trump is causing many people in higher ed to lose their minds, particularly at schools like Berkeley.

The College Fix reports:

Prof: White women have gone from slave owners … to Trump supporters

A University of California Berkeley professor has compared white women who supported and voted for President Donald Trump to the slave owners of the colonial era.

History professor Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers, whose research “focuses primarily upon gender and American slavery,” told the Boston Globe’s Renée Graham “a small majority, but nevertheless an important majority of white women embraced Trump and what he stands for – embracing, ultimately, white supremacy.”

Jones-Rogers says there are “modern parallels with women who support Trump” and the roles of white women during slavery.

“What begins in the colonial period is the emergence of a racially divided social order where whiteness has a value that being a woman just does not have,” the professor said. “I see time and time again in my research that when white women are given a choice, they overwhelmingly choose to be empowered by whiteness, and to embrace white supremacy.”

Jones-Rogers’ “compelling” new book is titled “They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South.”


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Once again, white women who support lower taxes, limited government, the sovereignty of our borders, and 1A/2A freedoms are the left’s convenient whipping post. More than two years, and they are still unable to deal with an election that they lost to someone whom they believe should never have been a viable candidate. We’re tired of being demonized because we don’t adhere to the puppies and unicorns fantasies of the left. Just stop, Professor.

Prof. Stephanie E. Rogers-Stone seems to exemplify the dilemna of modern academics forced to publish, but lacking the judgment to add anything significant. As a white woman who proudly voted for Trump, I would certainly dispute the pathetic scholarship that equates slave ownership to voting for Trump. So droll that Calif-Berkeley extolls the virtues of diversity, while having no ability to understand anything outside the liberal bubble. Yeah, this will add to the university’s reputation for scholarship.

“History professor Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers, whose research “focuses primarily upon gender and American slavery,” told the Boston Globe’s Renée Graham “a small majority, but nevertheless an important majority of white women embraced Trump and what he stands for – embracing, ultimately, white supremacy.” ”

How did this thoroughly stupid woman ever land a job as a history professor?

Berkeley and the UC system owe us an explanation.

I am white female with a doctorate that voted for Trump. I take great umbrage at this worthless fool’s slander that I would vote for a white supremacist. This historical illiterate is not even aware that Trump is a civil rights icon, and yet she purports to teach history.

Shame on Berkeley and UC, for hiring incompetents as historians.

No, actually, leftist whites are the slave owners who keep blacks on the Democrat plantation. Trump supporters, on the other hand, are the abolitionists who let them know they are free.