Student Official Faces Recall for Rejecting Preferred Pronouns

This takes real guts. This is a higher education thought crime of the highest order.

The College Fix reports:

This student official rejects preferred gender pronouns. Now he faces a recall. Here’s why he fights.Genaro Meza-Roa believes he can tell a person’s gender by looking at them and does not need to ask for their preferred gender pronoun.For this and other reasons, the Western Washington University student government official now faces a campuswide recall election. His peers on the student government aim to oust him.But Meza-Roa is not backing down.In an exclusive interview with The College Fix, the politics, philosophy and economics triple-major explained why he will not go along with the crowd despite intense pressure to do so. Not when it comes to preferred gender pronouns. Not when it comes to voting for someone just because she is female. Not when it comes to avoiding the word “retarding.”These three issues are among a host of controversies that led to Meza-Roa’s upcoming recall election, slated for the first week in February.Meza-Roa told The Fix he plans to fight the effort to forcibly remove him from his position as Western Washington University’s vice president for business and operations, and will not compromise his principles to appease his peers.

Tags: College Insurrection, Transgender