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Student Leaders at UVA Call for More ‘Safe Spaces’ for Minorities

Student Leaders at UVA Call for More ‘Safe Spaces’ for Minorities

“The story for minority students and students of color is quite different.”

If these students are serious about this, they should get a big media outlet like Rolling Stone to do a story about it.

The College Fix reports:

UVA student leaders want more ‘safe spaces’ for minority students

Student leaders at the University of Virginia say the current quantity of minority student “safe spaces” is inadequate, and as such more needs to done more beyond the Multicultural Student Center.

The center, or MLC, is described as a place where you can be “greeted by both familiar faces and make friends with new ones” and where you’ll see students “really talking to each other.” However, it’s limited to a maximum capacity of 49 people and, according to The Cavalier Daily, is “an invisible and non-central space on Grounds.”

Apparently not considering minority UVA students part of “all different students,” Asian Leaders Council Chair Vilas Annavarapu said “Iconically, you think of the Lawn as a space that’s public, well-positioned, supposed to be accessible to all different students — a space where faculty and students interact with one another.

“That’s what U.Va. constantly parades as the idyllic space for its students. The story for minority students and students of color is quite different.”

Annavarapu doesn’t say why it’s different.

Natalie Romero, head of the MSC, said she’s advocated for a Latinx (“lah-TEE-nex”) cultural center, but was “quickly shot down.” She says campus officials told her establishing the center would mean other racial/ethnic groups would have to get one too, and was asked “why were we dividing the students.”


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What a load of crap coming out of my alma mater again. The world is a tough place and everyone needs to learn how to cope with reality.

    Hope you’re sending them an email explaining why you will no longer be contributing to any fundraising! BTW, beautiful campus!
    What an embarrassment our universities have become.
    These students are requesting segregation?
    Sorry, if you need a “safe space”, you’re not ready for college!

    healthguyfsu in reply to Ghost Rider. | February 25, 2019 at 11:12 am

    It’s every single one of them. UVA is swept into the same toilet spiral as the rest of higher ed.

    I’m not sure what exactly is keeping minority students from entering the central lawn area. This idiot guy sounds like he wants them to plan a building for an exclusive club right in the middle of the common area…NGTH trigger boy.