Profs Claim Pro-Life Movement is About Keeping America White
“also how people will reproduce, what the population will be, what it will be like”

This is absurd if you know anything about Margaret Sanger and the racial statistics of aborted babies.
The College Fix reports:
Profs: Pro-life movement about keeping America ‘predominantly, overwhelmingly white’
An titled event “Reversing Roe” hosted by the gender studies departments of Notre Dame and St. Mary’s College featured two professors who claimed the pro-life movement is all about keeping the United States a predominantly white country.
The group “Irish 4 Reproductive Health” also served as a host for the discussion.
One of the academics, Notre Dame Africana Studies and Political Science professor Dianne Pinderhughes, said “[Abortion] is an issue that allows for an effort to control the place of women. I’m sure you figured that out, or you wouldn’t be at this event.
“But [it’s] also how people will reproduce, what the population will be, what it will be like. Those who push so aggressively for reproduction, continued reproduction without any controls, are those who are also more likely to be in support of making sure the country stays predominantly, overwhelmingly white.”
Pinderhughes made waves recently at another Notre Dame event when she yelled “white privilege!” at a (white) man who was attempting to ask a question at a discussion about “whiteness.”
Gender studies prof Pam Butler agreed with Pinderhughes, claiming abortion became politicized via a “white supremacist strategy of the right wing of the Republican party.”

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Sad that Notre Dame would high such a bigoted fool. HELLO ! The majority of aborted babies are non-white (CDC data). Planned Parenthood was designed to killing black babies.
“Sad that Notre Dame would high such a bigoted fool.”
“[G]ender studies departments” are not places one would find intelligence or honesty. Bigotry, ignorance, and sheer stupidity are qualifications in such an utterly useless “discipline.”
I think this is what “intersectionality” has done. If white supremacy is bad, and pro-life is bad, pro-life must be white supremacy. (YIKES – I just did that logic-thing I hated in school – I guess it was not a useless exercise after all – perhaps our students should be taught that). No learning, just assumption of evil without facts.
It’s only logic in the tortured sense. You have to have a more definitive link between white supremacy and pro-life in order to say that pro-life is white supremacy. You can’t just say that two things are bad, thereby providing a link between the two.
Let’s take AOC’s argument that she is factually incorrect, but morally correct. You can’t be both. If you are factually incorrect, you are lying. Lying is a sin. Sin is immoral. So, lying is immoral. In other words, it is impossible to be factually incorrect and morally correct at the same time. Logic requires a chain of reasoning, something which is completely foreign to the left.
“…If you are factually incorrect, you are lying. Lying is a sin. Sin is immoral. So, lying is immoral. In other words, it is impossible to be factually incorrect and morally correct at the same time. Logic requires a chain of reasoning, something which is completely foreign to the left.”
Lying in furtherance of the Grand Progressive Narrative is permitted under Leftism – hell, it’s required. Another fine example of leftist doublethink. Morality is for the proles and the Enemy.
MiniTru approved doubleplussgood.
That’s about the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Do these people not know the demographics of abortion? FAR more black babies are killed in utero than are born.
OK so according to the original article here:
Pinderhughes, who is black (race is relevant, given the topic)
made the original nonsensical statement that pro-life is about keeping America white.
Her colleague Butler, who is white, was as indirect as possible about correcting Pinderhughes, saying (with justification) that feminism had been “hijacked” to be all about abortion rights. She blamed that framing on “1980’s white supremacists”, something I don’t recall happening.
Butler implied that as a feminist, Pinderhughes had been tricked into opposing her own racial interests by those “white supremacists”. She did not actually agree that pro-life is about helping whites at the expense of nonwhites.