California’s Gov. Newsom plans to shower illegal immigrants with millions in “humanitarian aid”
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California’s Gov. Newsom plans to shower illegal immigrants with millions in “humanitarian aid”

California’s Gov. Newsom plans to shower illegal immigrants with millions in “humanitarian aid”

After making a massive Facebook ad buy in a number of swing states, Newsom looks like he may be running for President….of North Mexico.

California Gavin Newsom ended the debacle of the high-speed train between Los Angeles and San Francisco.

However, the millions of dollars in savings will not be going back to California’s taxpayers. Instead, the governor plans to spend millions of dollars on making the illegal immigrants storming our borders more comfortable when they arrive.

Gov. Gavin Newsom and local officials in San Diego on Thursday touted a proposed $25 million in state funding to address a growing humanitarian crisis involving migrant families seeking asylum in the U.S. and blamed the Trump administration for manufacturing a problem at the border.

With prodding from San Diego lawmakers, Newsom has called for spending $20 million over three years to aid local nonprofits and community organizations that provide services to asylum-seeking migrant families. The funds would be available starting in the state fiscal year that begins in July.

The governor has also asked the Legislature for another $5 million in immediate funding, which lawmakers plan to approve in the coming weeks.

“Unfortunately, [for] the current administration, this is self-induced,” Newsom said of border conditions at a news conference in San Diego. “It’s a policy they advanced in October that [has] made the conditions not only worse here in California but [has] been highlighted in places like El Paso and elsewhere where they are having exactly the same kind of challenges.”

The California Senate gave a thumbs up to spending the $5 million for aid to illegal immigrants.

Intriguingly, the Golden State politico has made a massive Facebook ad buy in a number of swing states.

The newly sworn-in governor of California, Gavin Newsom (D-CA), ran Facebook ads in Ohio, Florida, and other swing states from January 12 to 16 that were focused on list building, according to the progressive digital firm ACRONYM.

“And the big find from this week: Newly-elected California Governor @GavinNewsom was running hundreds of list-building ads in Ohio, Florida, and other swing states from Jan 12-16,” the ACRONYM Twitter account tweeted on Friday.

If he is exploring a run doe the American presidency, he needs to make more moves such as ending the bullet train to nowhere. On the other hand, if he is looking to be the first president of North Mexico, then this is a great move.

Ultimately, Newsom may find that many of his California taxpayers will be relocating before they are forced to seek asylum from a redder and more fiscally sensible state.


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It’s open treason.

But then, we have bigots and communists in Congress.

Then, there’s Odumbo. And Comey. And hillary clinton, And John Brennan. And….

We are nearly at the bottom.

JusticeDelivered | February 14, 2019 at 8:36 pm

What will it take to throttle CA federal funds?

Mr. Newsom needs a husband.

“Instead, the governor plans to spend millions of dollars on making the illegal immigrants storming our borders more comfortable when they arrive.”

Why is that statement proven untrue in the following quotes?

    RedEchos in reply to Ragspierre. | February 14, 2019 at 10:44 pm

    He is asking for more money for migrants seeking asylum. The argument can be made the he is concerned about people already here.

    “Newsom …touted a proposed $25 million in state funding…”

    “Newsom has called for spending $20 million over three years…”

    “The governor has also asked the Legislature for another $5 million in immediate funding”

“Unfortunately, [for] the current administration, this is self-induced,” Newsom said of border conditions at a news conference in San Diego. “It’s a policy they advanced in October that [has] made the conditions not only worse here in California but [has] been highlighted in places like El Paso and elsewhere where they are having exactly the same kind of challenges.”

Seems to me he’s saying we have a real crisis at the border. It’s so bad that he needs to spend $25 million in taxpayer dollars to help.

This only stops in California when we stop election fraud. The midterms were set up for GOP victories across the board, and yet 7 seats are lost three weeks after the election because of ballot harvesting, which is legal, but the process is rife with fraud – it’s how our progressive overlords tipped the scale.

This will only get worse if Trump signs the spending bill and calls a national emergency, which he doesn’t need to do to build the wall. Fingers crossed, that $8B Mulvaney announced tonight is a precursor to more not signing the bill or calling an emergency.

    That’s what I was thinking – this is contradictory. If the crisis is made-up, then why does he need to spend millions on the humanitarian crisis behind the lines? Makes no sense.

He’s already president of Commiefornia.

My husband & I gladly packed up and left CA two years ago. We were sick and tired of the excessive taxation without any representation.

Are they paying for it out of the three billion they owe back to the federal government for the failed high speed rail line?