U. Chicago Student Paper Reports That School President Voted Republican

For many people on the left, the mere act of voting Republican is considered scandalous. At the University of Chicago, it was considered newsworthy.

The College Fix reports:

U. Chicago student paper considers it news that school president … voted RepublicanIn a seeming indication of just how far left colleges have become, the University of Chicago student paper felt it necessary to print an article on the fact that the school president voted — gasp! — Republican in 2016.Based on an examination of Illinois public records, UC President Robert Zimmer voted in the 2016 GOP primary. State law requires individuals “to declare their affiliation with a political party” before hitting a lever in a primary election.According to The Chicago Maroon, Zimmer “has long been coy” about his politics, and the paper claims he’s become “somewhat of a celebrity” among conservatives due to his criticisms of “safe spaces” and “trigger warnings,” and for his support of campus free speech.Gosh, imagine that. Chiding concepts like “safe spaces” is conservative.Although Zimmer led the way in UC’s opposition to President Trump’s immigration policies, the Maroon notes the university has responded “more moderately” (as opposed to radically left?) than its peers to other Trump initiatives — like not becoming a “sanctuary campus” and not joining other schools in backing the Paris climate deal.

Tags: Chicago, College Insurrection, Illinois, Republicans