Tweet Surfaces in Which Former Cleveland Clinic Doc Threatened to “Purposely Give” Jews “The Wrong Meds”

Lara Kollab, a 27 year-old former intern at the Cleveland Clinic, has come under fire after her anti-Semitic comments on social media came to light.

She stopped working at the clinic in September, but the Cleveland Clinic condemned her comments.

Amber Cole reports at 19 News in Cleveland:

Cleveland Clinic doctor fired after making anti-Semitic statements onlineThe Cleveland Clinic released a statement Monday after reports began circulating online that a doctor at the hospital had been posting anti-Semitic sentiments on social media.The doctor, who has been identified as Lara Kollab, 27, of Westlake, was a supervised resident. We’re told she is no longer employed by the clinic.We reached out to the Cleveland Clinic and received the following statement:“This individual was employed as a supervised resident at our hospital from July to September 2018. She is no longer working at Cleveland Clinic. In no way do these beliefs reflect those of our organization. We fully embrace diversity, inclusion and a culture of safety and respect across our entire health system.”

You can see a screen cap in this post from Facebook:

Kollab’s comments were truly vile. It’s amazing that this came from a doctor.

Michael Bachner of the Times of Israel has more details:

Ohio hospital condemns ex-resident who said she would give Jews ‘the wrong meds’A hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, said it has fired a doctor after it emerged that she had been making anti-Semitic remarks for years on social media.Lara Kollab, 27, of Westlake, was a supervised resident at Cleveland Clinic from July until September 2018.In November, the Canary Mission website published a compilation of dozens of her tweets — dating from 2011 to 2017 — in which she called for violence against Jews, called them “dogs,” minimized the Holocaust, likened Israel to the Nazi regime and claimed Zionists control US media and schools.“This individual was employed as a supervised resident at our hospital from July to September 2018,” the hospital said in a statement Sunday carried by local media. “She is no longer working at Cleveland Clinic.“In no way do these beliefs reflect those of our organization. We fully embrace diversity, inclusion and a culture of safety and respect across our entire health system.”

Hank Berrien of the Daily Wire has more examples of her statements:

July 22, 2011, Kollab tweeted: “@SalyaFalastenia I blame israel for everything. everything that goes wrong, i say ‘allah yo5od el yahood’ [Allah will kill the Jews] :P.”August 20, 2011, Kollab tweeted: “@ZaidAtalla yeahh Allah yo5odhom el yahood [Allah will take the Jews].”August 23, 2011, Kollab tweeted: “all they’re good at is crying.boohoo holocaust.boohoo we are always getting killed. garnering sympathy so they can kill as much as they want.”October 16, 2011, Kollab tweeted: “‘they want it as a ‘symbol of Jewish pride’.. why don’t you create a hat or something as a symbol of your nazi.. er jewish.. Pride.”January 2, 2012, Kollab tweeted: “hahha ewww.. ill purposely give all the yahood [Jews] the wrong meds…”February 8, 2012, Kollab tweeted: “yi5rib beethom el yahood [Destroy the homes of the Jews] #iSaythatalot.”May 1, 2012, Kollab tweeted: “studying,I hear my dad screaming,I run upstairs, ‘sho fe baba?! [what happened daddy?], he’s watching a video about yahood [Jews] screaming ‘EL YAHOOD KLAB!!’ [THE JEWS ARE DOGS!!] #paliprobs.”


Update: According to a report from The Algemeiner, the Cleveland Clinic did fire her over this:

The Cleveland Clinic, where Kollab worked as a supervised, first-year medical resident starting this past July until September, confirmed on Wednesday that her “departure was related to those posts.”“When we learned of the social media post, we took immediate action, conducted an internal review and placed her on administrative leave,” the hospital said in a statement.

Tags: Antisemitism, Social Media