Tweet Surfaces in Which Former Cleveland Clinic Doc Threatened to “Purposely Give” Jews “The Wrong Meds”
In other posts, she “likened Israel to the Nazi regime and claimed Zionists control US media and schools”
Lara Kollab, a 27 year-old former intern at the Cleveland Clinic, has come under fire after her anti-Semitic comments on social media came to light.
She stopped working at the clinic in September, but the Cleveland Clinic condemned her comments.
Amber Cole reports at 19 News in Cleveland:
Cleveland Clinic doctor fired after making anti-Semitic statements online
The Cleveland Clinic released a statement Monday after reports began circulating online that a doctor at the hospital had been posting anti-Semitic sentiments on social media.
The doctor, who has been identified as Lara Kollab, 27, of Westlake, was a supervised resident. We’re told she is no longer employed by the clinic.
We reached out to the Cleveland Clinic and received the following statement:
“This individual was employed as a supervised resident at our hospital from July to September 2018. She is no longer working at Cleveland Clinic. In no way do these beliefs reflect those of our organization. We fully embrace diversity, inclusion and a culture of safety and respect across our entire health system.”
You can see a screen cap in this post from Facebook:
#8: Recent @WeAreTouro med school grad Lara Kollab said this before enrolling: “ill purposely give all the yahood [Jews] the wrong meds…”
— Canary Mission (@canarymission) December 31, 2018
Kollab’s comments were truly vile. It’s amazing that this came from a doctor.
Michael Bachner of the Times of Israel has more details:
Ohio hospital condemns ex-resident who said she would give Jews ‘the wrong meds’
A hospital in Cleveland, Ohio, said it has fired a doctor after it emerged that she had been making anti-Semitic remarks for years on social media.
Lara Kollab, 27, of Westlake, was a supervised resident at Cleveland Clinic from July until September 2018.
In November, the Canary Mission website published a compilation of dozens of her tweets — dating from 2011 to 2017 — in which she called for violence against Jews, called them “dogs,” minimized the Holocaust, likened Israel to the Nazi regime and claimed Zionists control US media and schools.
“This individual was employed as a supervised resident at our hospital from July to September 2018,” the hospital said in a statement Sunday carried by local media. “She is no longer working at Cleveland Clinic.
“In no way do these beliefs reflect those of our organization. We fully embrace diversity, inclusion and a culture of safety and respect across our entire health system.”
Hank Berrien of the Daily Wire has more examples of her statements:
July 22, 2011, Kollab tweeted: “@SalyaFalastenia I blame israel for everything. everything that goes wrong, i say ‘allah yo5od el yahood’ [Allah will kill the Jews] :P.”
August 20, 2011, Kollab tweeted: “@ZaidAtalla yeahh Allah yo5odhom el yahood [Allah will take the Jews].”
August 23, 2011, Kollab tweeted: “all they’re good at is crying.boohoo holocaust.boohoo we are always getting killed. garnering sympathy so they can kill as much as they want.”
October 16, 2011, Kollab tweeted: “‘they want it as a ‘symbol of Jewish pride’.. why don’t you create a hat or something as a symbol of your nazi.. er jewish.. Pride.”
January 2, 2012, Kollab tweeted: “hahha ewww.. ill purposely give all the yahood [Jews] the wrong meds…”
February 8, 2012, Kollab tweeted: “yi5rib beethom el yahood [Destroy the homes of the Jews] #iSaythatalot.”
May 1, 2012, Kollab tweeted: “studying,I hear my dad screaming,I run upstairs, ‘sho fe baba?! [what happened daddy?], he’s watching a video about yahood [Jews] screaming ‘EL YAHOOD KLAB!!’ [THE JEWS ARE DOGS!!] #paliprobs.”
Update: According to a report from The Algemeiner, the Cleveland Clinic did fire her over this:
The Cleveland Clinic, where Kollab worked as a supervised, first-year medical resident starting this past July until September, confirmed on Wednesday that her “departure was related to those posts.”
“When we learned of the social media post, we took immediate action, conducted an internal review and placed her on administrative leave,” the hospital said in a statement.
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the fruits and nuts do not fall far from the trees.
she seems to come from an anti-Jewish hateful family.
I have never understood hatred of Jews, and I am from the deep South were we are supposed to hate everybody. But I did have a similar issue with one of my partners in my Cardiology group. He was a senior physician in the group and one of the heads of the Episcopal church in our area. I had been called to a man’s room by the doctor to help discuss the results of a procedure. The discussion was very emotional as the results were not good. As I talked to the man, I saw his camp number on his arm and that really disturbed me. On leaving the room, my partner asked, ” did you see that Jew cry?”. I could say nothing to such hate, but that finished the partnership, much to his financial regret.
She also might be a serial killer. See below.
Note that the brag about what she would do if and when she became a doctor was made in 2012, before she even enrolled in medical school, and many years before she was in a position to do so. There is no way this could be construed as a “true threat”, so while the Cleveland Clinic was right to fire her, and no institution ought to hire her, and her insurance company (if any) should drop her, any government action to punish her speech would be unconstitutional.
It sounds to me like she advocates terrorism, and if she were prosecuted on those grounds it might well be constitutional. Even if she avoided conviction, she and her family would end up destitute.
To my mind, we should thank freedom of expression for outing this vile pos. If she hadn’t spoken out publicly she might not have been caught.
However, to imagine that the clinic and medical school weren’t aware of the vile bigotry she certainly spouted in person is naive. It wasn’t until there was an outrage that the clinic fired her. After all, it isn’t as if she ‘misgendered’ some mentally ill transsexual or opposed late term abortion, right?
On the contrary, it’s paranoid to imagine they were aware of it. The medical school was Touro; if it’d been aware of her attitude it’d certainly have expelled her. and the clinic did fire her as soon as it became aware. She’s evidently not so stupid as to speak in front of the Yahood the way she does to her friends.
This is absolutely false. The outrage only began a few days ago; the clinic fired her more than three months ago, as soon as it found out.
No, it would not. Advocacy of anything, including terrorism, is protected speech. The law is very clear on this: mere advocacy cannot be illegal, no matter what.
You are advocating malicious prosecution, which is not only itself illegal (although almost impossible to sue for) but also immoral and disgusting. Perversion of the entire justice system is worse than a few murders.
To the contrary, Milhouse, it sounds as if Dr. Kollab has a long-term, deep-seated hatred of Jewish people and has been thinking for quite a while what she would do to them if she had the opportunity.
One think all of us should have learned by now: when people tell you that they hate you and want you dead, you should believe them.
So? How is that relevant? What she wrote six years ago, long before she had any opportunity of doing what she bragged she would do, simply cannot be construed as a threat. any prosecutor trying to bring such a charge would deserve sanctions.
Anyway, her posts go to a motive, they could be an admission of a plan to commit a crime in the future. While this alone might not warrant charging her with a crime, a simple investigation into the Rx’s she wrote (correlated with the diagnosis of each patient she wrote the Rx’s for) would reveal whether she acted in conformity with her perceived threats.
Are you dumb or just don’t give a sh*t about the truth? You know d*mn well, if you’ve been reading about this, that the clinic has already said she was never in a position to act on her 6-year-old “locker talk”. There is absolutely no possibility that she gave anyone the wrong meds, or the wrong anything.
Milhouse, people are outraged that someone with aspirations of a medical career cannot be trusted because of her virulent anti-Semiticism, an anti-Semiticism that went so far as stating to the world (via Twitter) that she intends to harm Jewish people by prescribing the wrong meds. While you, as usual, focus on black and white, everyone else gets that this is sinister.
Can she legally be charged with a crime? Well, no, of course not; it appears she was removed from her position before she had a chance to enact her stated plan. I don’t think anyone is seriously suggesting she can be prosecuted since she committed no crime, but the very idea that a medical doctor or aspiring medical doctor would let their religious and racist bigotry undermine their Hippocratic oath is disgusting to people. As an aspiring physician, she knew what she was saying (if I, an English major, know about it, she certainly did.).
You’re not wrong, but you are missing the point. It’s okay to have feelings, Milhouse. In fact, it may do you a world of good to climb out of your head now and then and join us on terra firma where grey areas, emotion, and principle are given more than a snide, sneering passing glance. 😛
Plenty of people are demanding exactly that. Plenty of people are also demanding that her medical license be pulled in retaliation for her protected speech. And plenty of people are under the impression that her tweet was from a working doctor confessing to a crime, when it was in fact nothing of the sort.
It should go without saying that the Cleveland Clinic was right to fire her, and that no institution or practice ought to hire her, and perhaps even that no insurer ought to cover her. But government action against her would not be justified on the evidence before us.
“Note that the brag about what she would do if and when she became a doctor was made in 2012, before she even enrolled in medical school, and many years before she was in a position to do so….
(FADE IN: Laugh track.)
Um, what? Are you claiming that in 2012 she was in a position to give anyone meds, the right ones or the wrong ones?
This explains why there will NEVER be peace in the Middle East! The two biggest issues against peace are islam and hate. When the two are put in the same basket, there can be no hope.
What Leftists fail to comprehend, vis-a-vis Israel and the Arab “Palestinians,” is that the latter group’s adherence to the intrinsic supremacism and totalitarianism of the Islamic ideology, underpinned, of course, by a mandate to conduct jihad, as an allegedly Divine command, makes peace with Israel impossible. The Arabs have been waging unrelenting open and covert warfare and terrorism against Israel, since its founding. If they had possessed a sincere desire for peace, it would have been achieved, by now. But, their ideology forbids living in peace with “infidel” Jews — especially when they have been repeatedly humiliated in war after war.
While Islamism is a huge part of it, it’s not the whole story, since many of the most vicious Arab antisemites and terrorists are not Moslems.
By implication, you’re referring, apparently, to Arab Christians. Around 5 million, or so, in the Middle East, who, by all accounts, are themselves being mercilessly persecuted by Muslims in sundry countries. Or, perhaps, you refer to the Druze (~2 million), or, Baha’i.
I’m genuinely curious — what is the factual basis for your statement that “many” of the anti-Semites among Arabs are non-Muslims? The bulk of Arab anti-Semitism seems to be clearly coming from the Arab Muslim sphere, both historically, and, at present.
Do an internet search for “Islamochristian”. Many Christians in lands dominated by Islam have, in order to survive, adopted Islam’s attitudes in both public and private, including Islam’s attitudes towards Jews. After centuries of oppression they essentially carry water for Islam, as good dhimmies should. They are few compared to the Muslims surrounding them, but they are just as viciously anti-Semitic.
“I’m genuinely curious — what is the factual basis for your statement that “many” of the anti-Semites among Arabs are non-Muslims?…
Superman Comics, May 2012.
And atheists.
The facts that are well-known to everyone. Just go through the lists of famous Arab terrorists, and note how many are/were non-Moslem. Start with the PFLP. Also see “Sabeel”. And Hilarion Capucci. Where could you possibly have got the opposite idea?
It has nothing whatsoever to do with surviving under Islam. They were vicious antisemites long before there were any Moslems, and it’s more likely that the Moslems learned antisemitism from them than the other way around. With very few exceptions, the general Arab Christian attitude for centuries has been that “The only thing worse than a Turk is a Jew”. Christian philosemitism is a modern phenomenon, and it has never gained any traction in the Middle East.
Israel should be cleaning up all the Palestinian areas by removing Palestinians. A reduction in numbers to what they were when Israel was founded, followed by a strict replacement level of reproduction to hold that population level.
Islam should not be classed as a religion, start treating Islam as a cult founded by a criminal.
What’s most disturbing to me about this is not the unabashed and casual Jew-hatred evinced by this woman — that is something that is, unfortunately, a mindset that is held by a large number of Muslims here in the U.S., and, around the world. Aided and abetted, in their hate, by the Israel-hating Left.
What bothers me is that we now have a societal climate — enabled and sanctioned, in part, by the mainstream media and Dumb-o-crat politicians — in which anti-Semites in the U.S. feel perfectly comfortable spewing their hate-filled and venmous anti-Jew/anti-Israel diatribes on social media, and, in the press. And, this extends to the newest Muslim Congressional Representatives, whom the press is already canonizing, while whitewashing their bigoted past statements and current attitudes. It’s nauseating.
“What bothers me is that we now have a societal climate — enabled and sanctioned, in part, by the mainstream media and Dumb-o-crat politicians…”
It merely ‘bothers’ you? My God.
And, why shouldn’t these anti-Semites feel empowered by the Left? The Dumb-o-crats not only tolerate anti-Semitic politicians, they promote them — see Keith Ellison, promoted to second-in-command, at the Dumb-o-crat National Committee, prior to his successful run for AG of Minnesota. Farrakhan can share the stage at a singer’s funeral, with Bill Clinton, instead of being deemed persona non grata. And, Al Sharpton, decades after inciting anti-Jewish pogroms in Harlem, is rewarded with a cable TV show and is conferred undeserved legitimacy by Dumb-o-crat pols, such as Obama.
In short — anti-Semitism flourishes on the Left, in large part because the current Dumb-o-crat leadership has clearly demonstrated that there is no political price whatsoever to be paid by Dumb-o-crat politicians and allies (e.g., the vile and feted Linda Sarsour) for harboring such beliefs.
She’s a Muslim, right? She obviously takes her faith seriously. This kind of talk is the sign of a sincere Muslim: “Kill the infidels wherever you find them.”
Is it just ironic that she went to Touro College Medical School? Touro was founded in 1971 by Dr. Bernard Lander, z”l.
Dr. Lander managed to convince the powers that be that NY needed another law school, so he got a charter for that and started an undergraduate program which he said would be Brandeis with yarmulkes. It had a wonderful 24 credit humanities requirement but also had a Jewish Studies requirement and now has branches all over the world, including some whose goal is to integrate the extremely Orthodox Jewish population into a world beyond the walls they built for themselves.
The Jew hatred that this woman exudes is all the more astonishing considering her willingness to go to a “Jew school.” I trust that the comments about medication will cause her to lose her medical license in the US. I imagine she will have no trouble in getting a license in the EU.
. . . he said would be Brandeis with yarmulkes.
Isn’t that like describing a country as being an Iceland with blondes?
No. You’ve obviously never been to Brandeis.
Sound like you’ve not spent much time near Boston.
I’ve spent plenty of time in and near Boston. Enough to know that yarmulkes are not common at all; nothing like blond hair in Iceland. And the same is true at Brandeis.
Going back to MIK, though, most Touro campuses are not Jewish. The bulk of Touro’s business is not in the Jewish community. Lander College may be the flagship campus, and the reason Touro was founded in the first place, but at the end of the day it’s a business, and it goes where the customers are. Just think of it like Bartenura, another Jewish business that has made it big in a non-Jewish market.
The Cleveland Clinic should investigate her patients’ medical records to determine if she acted on this threat. It should not be that difficult. If she did, she should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. If any patient died due to her acts, she should be charged with murder enhanced as a hate crime. As a physician, I can think of no greater criminal act.
I’m also a physician and was wondering about that. I would expect that the Cleveland Clinic would have done due diligence — if you and I can think of the possibility, so can they. Proving it, however, would be very difficult.
It may not be that difficult. She boasted about her desires on social media. She may have been proud enough to leave clues. Comparing her diagnoses, treatments, etc. to treatment guidelines and comparing her prescribing habits among patients might be enlightening, or futile. But the need to, at least, look is compelling.
” Proving it, however, would be very difficult…
Don’t agree at all: just correlate the Rx’s she dispensed with each patient’s diagnosis. Considering the records are all computerized, it’s not hard at all.
A patient need not have ‘died’ for this maniac to be charged with felonies.
She can also be sued by every patient she injured or intended to injure, and for every dime she has or will ever make – bankruptcy won’t protect her.
Further, any state agency that gives this woman a medical license should be sued in federal court.
She couldn’t have acted on it, even if she still remembered it after six years. She was a first-year resident, under close supervision. Nothing she did went unreviewed, including prescriptions.
Pam Geller says she is a Muslim.
How many others are there who have the same plan, but are sharp enough not to put it on social media?
From the viewpoint of a hospital, the offense here is not the intense animus against Jews, but the frivolous attitude to the notion of perverting the practice of medicine.
That is, some statements are intolerable, even if intended as idle musing or provocative humor. Much like, say, a chef fantasizing about putting noxious substances in a customer’s food, or a crime lab technician talking about perverting evidence to ensure that the people he just “knows” are guilty are convicted. Even if such persons take no actual actions, professionals in their fields (such as their employers) would consider them unemployable after making such statements. Some words and thoughts are simply verboten. But they need not be specific to Jews; in the case at hand, fantasies about abusing any patient’s treatment would be unacceptable.
An obvious adherent to the Doctor Mengele School of Bedside Manner.
Contrast this with Israeli doctors who work to save the lives of people the doctors know want nothing more in life than to kill Israelis.
She’s an American talking about fellow American citizens; a group of citizens the vast majority of which extend a great deal of good will towards the Palestinians.
I wouldn’t trust her with a stethoscope, let alone a scalpel. When your hate is at the state of openly sharing it on social media–while pursuing a professional career–your symptoms reveal an ugly, aggressive malignancy within.
Her tweets were from 2011-12. The question I have is why they came to light and the Cleveland Clinic fired her last fall. Were there incidents at the hospital with patients, fellow residents, or other employees? Did she make anti-Semitic or other inflammatory remarks?
What basis is there not to assume that since she is willing to publicly speculate/brag about doing it, that she has in fact been doing so?
This warrants a major investigation – this woman may have murdered people by Rx’ing wrong meds.
Because (1) there’s no basis to suppose she ever tried to do it, and (2) she’s never been in a position to do it.
A simple investigation (correlating the Rx’s she dispensed to the patients’ diagnoses) would reveal that the psycho admitted to a series of VERY serious felonies that would lock her up for the rest of her life, to say nothing of the lawsuits that should be filed against her and the hospital employing her.
Unless, that is, Sherlock Sessions is the D.A.
You damned liar. How could she have “admitted to a series of VERY serious felonies” six years BEFORE she could possibly have even thought of having an opportunity to commit them? And in fact she has NEVER been in any position to commit them. You are just deliberately making up lies, and you have no right to do so. You’re worse than she is.
Why does she still have her medical license? Free speech be damned, any doctor bragging about their desire to hurt patients should lose their license whether or not they actually have.
Who’s going to take it away, Romney?
The AMA in the state where she’s licensed.
I know – just being sarcastic. But there is truth to sarcasm.
Since when can the AMA take away anyone’s license? How could you possibly think such a thing? Do you also think the AAA can take away people’s drivers’ licenses?
According to the medical licensing board in Ohio she doesn’t actually have a medical license but a Training Certificate. The AMA has nothing to do with taking away or granting a medical license, that is a function of the state board. I hope the Ohio board takes a close look at her.
Where in the world is Lara Kollab today?